Chapter 32

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Hidden in the shadows of the trees, I watch Erin run out into the bright sunlight that now covers Havenbrook. Remaining in my spot, until I could no longer see the golden colour of his hair.

My hand clenched into a fist, as I slammed it against a tree beside me. "If any harm comes to him, I will rip their hearts out." Growling I clench my teeth together, as I turn back towards the forest and the darkness my life lives in.

Walking deeper into the shadows I stopped and leaned my body against one of the tree trunks. Pressing my head back against it, I close my eyes as a deep sigh escapes my lips.

"I know it may be stupid to ask, but do you wish I were someone else?"

"I never knew I had this side to me before, I didn't act this way with any of the girls from my past. But being around you, I seem weak and very uhh girly at times with how much I blush. I don't know, did you wish I was more, uh manly?"

"If you were more manly, you wouldn't be my Erin." Whispering out, as his concern from earlier hits my mind. Everything about him, from his weaker side, down to his blushing. How shy he can be around me, the way he asked me to wear this amulet for him. If he changed any of it?

"No Erin. I want you to stay like this forever. I wish you to stay the man I fell in love with." A tiny smile spreads across my lips as I think of my human mate. How I remembered every detail about entering his home that first night. How I gazed at his beautiful features, at that moment I was already his.

Never once in my life of living these many years have I ever seen a man so beautiful before. Erin Stone to me, is more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen.

Allowing my back to slide down the trunk of the tree, I found myself sitting on the ground. Running my hands through my black hair, I can't stop myself from thinking about him. Meeting him has changed me so much.

"Never once have I considered I would find my mate." Whispering I stare upwards at the tree tops above me. To go a day without him in my life now, seems impossible.

"To bond myself to one human male." I now know my life will never be the same. If we had to leave Havenbrook to escape the Hunters, Erin will now be next to me the entire way.

Closing my eyes, images of him fill my mind. From his gorgeous eyes, to his shy cute blush. The feeling of his soft smooth skin upon mine. His soft pink lips pressed against mine. They way he grips onto my body when I make love to him. How he throws his head back, screaming my name out loud.

"I love everything about him." Whispering to no one but myself, I stand once more to return to the coven until night falls.

Pushing myself away from the tree, taking one step my body suddenly collapsed to the ground as my breathing grew ragged. A deep sharp shooting pain, struck at my heart as my hand clutched over my chest. My crimson eyes open wide, as my head snaps towards the direction of Havenbrook.

"Erin..." Whispering in fear, I stand up only to fall against a nearby tree. This pain shoots throughout my body, as I clutch my hand over my heart. Stumbling from the pain Erin is feeling, I push myself to the edge of the forest once more. Stopping at the edge of the shadows, I stare out at the town before me.

"Erin." Knowing he is badly hurt, I reach my hand out from the tree's safety. The sun shone down upon my fingers as I hiss in pain from the burning sensation. Holding my first to my chest, I collapse to the ground holding my burnt fingers. For the first time in my life, I felt absolutely useless. My mate was in pain, and there was nothing I could do about it, but to wait.

Slowly the pain I felt earlier fades, as I sit at the forest edge waiting for the sun to set.

Unable to do anything else but watch the sun move higher into the sky, I sit there in fear. This day is dragging by far to slow, the anticipation for night fall was killing me. I had to get to him, I had to get to Erin.

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