What do you two do in your free time?

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Together or separately?

Probably together because I don't really think you ever spend a separate moment from me unless I'm with Ben. And even then, I'm mostly certain that you spy on our dates.

M! That's not true!

It is! I swear I saw a flash of blue in the bushes when me and Ben were out walking through the forest.

Well, upon the hypothetical probability that I could have done that--- which I didn't--- it would be because I am a sucker for romance and I want to see my girl happy.

You're sweet, E.

Aww, thank you!

Just stop spying on us.

But back to the question! Mal and I usually hang out together eating Oreos and watching movies while curled up under my favorite woolly blanket that keeps heat in like a furnace.

Yeah, I always scrape the cream off my Oreo cookies and put them on hers so she can have double cream.

M's definitely the best.

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