What does the other one do that bothers you the most?

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Well, Evie doesn't do too many things that get under my skin, but the one thing that she does that really, really bothers me is when we're both supposed to go out, and we both have to get a shower and I make the mistake of letting her go first. 

Aww, M...

Don't "Aww, M" me. Every time that I let her go first, she takes forever in the shower and uses up all the hot water.

Well, the hot water relaxes me!

I know, but you force me to have to take a ten minute shower with freezing water!

Oh, M, I love you...

I love you, too, but it's still aggravating. Now what do I do that irritates you?

Kind of like you said, there's not too many things that bother me about you, but if I had to pick one, I'd go with your messiness.

Aww, E...

Now you're just mimicking me. But the messiness is definitely the thing that bothers me the most, because she always leaves things where they don't go, and I always have to clean up after her.

But you're so good at it.

I have to be. If I'm not, the whole house would be in murderous disarray.

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