Who is more dramatic?

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Definitely E---

Mal. Mal's the most dramatic.

How is that?! Give me one example of me being dramatic.

Well, you always whine when I don't pay attention to you.

You do, too!

Okay... But what about when you act like you're dying when Jay, Carlos, or me lay down on you and squish you?

Well, first of all, it's usually you because you're a cuddly koala, but you've only managed to think of two things. One of which was something that you do, too.

I don't think---

What about when you throw a miniature fit when you don't win family game night? Or when you get all pouty and mopey if I don't let you nearly sit on me anytime we're relaxing in the same vicinity? Or when you nearly break down into a crying, screaming tantrum if you even think something tiny could have possibly happened to your car? What about---

Okay, okay, I get it. I'm more dramatic.

There you go. Good girl.

Thank you to @iluvrainclouds for the suggestion!

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