What was your worst injury?

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I broke my ankle, but I think that when I broke my hand was probably the worst injury to me because I couldn't sew or do anything until it healed. 

Yeah, that was definitely her worst injury. It was my worst injury, too, because I think my hearing still hasn't healed from the amount of fussing that occurred during that time period.


I'm joking. Mostly. But my real worst injury was probably when I broke my leg.

Oh, that was terrible. I was so afraid that I hadn't set it right. After all, there wasn't anyone to heal people on the Isle, so I had to take care of it. It was so scary.


But you healed beautifully and you're perfectly fine now.

I was a little afraid that I might be walking with a limp from then on. I'd have to get me a cane and then we'd be calling me Tiny Tim.

Hey, you're already little.

Shut up, E.

Thank you to @bal4life1 and @Descendantsfan03 for the ask!

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