How would Evie react if Harry kissed her?

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Firstly, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't happen in a million years. He loves Uma, and besides, I only have a small crush.

Yeah, she does only have a small crush. 

And I respect Uma's relationship with him. But if he were to ever kiss me...


I can't say I'd be awfully against it... I'd kind of really be happy for a few seconds before I'd push him away and slap him and send him back to Uma where he belongs.

I thought you had a tiny crush on him?

I do, but I prefer him with Uma ultimately.

Are you just saying that because Uma would break both of your legs off and wrap them around your own neck if she even thought something was between you two?


You know I'd never let anyone hurt you, don't you?

Well, of course. But I'd just hate for Uma to be in your dragon form's belly.

Good girl. You know what I'd do for you.

Thank you to @iluvrainclouds for the ask!

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