What is the worst part of your personality?

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I am too sensitive.

But that's good. Much better than being insensitive.

Aww, you're sweet. And I'm also insecure in the sense that I feel like I might be replaced? I don't know. I'm insecure about how I think people see me and feel about me.

You shouldn't be, E. I love you and think you're beautifully wonderful. You'll always be my best friend in the entire world.

Thank you. I love you, too.

Now me... Umm... Well, I guess if I had to pick a worst part of my personality... I'd probably go with the insecurity thing like Evie did. But I'm not the same kind of insecure. Mine's more of a "do I deserve these beautiful, magnificent people that are in my life?" kind of insecure.

You shouldn't be insecure about that, M. You deserve us. We deserve you. We deserve each other because we love each other.

Look at this girl. Look at this gem of a best friend. Y'know, I don't think you have any bad parts of your personality, E.

You don't either, M.

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