Would Evie freak out if you bought something brown?

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It depends entirely upon what Mal bought.

If it was a jacket, Evie probably wouldn't freak out, but if it was a shirt?

Yeah... I don't think a brown shirt would be the best idea. At all.

But I wouldn't be buying clothes from anyone but her. I always get my clothes from Evie.

You most certainly do. And the only reason I get paid for it is because Mal has Ben sign an executive order that I receive payment for Mal's clothing I make. I've begged them to let me do it for free, but Mal always says no.

I do. You deserve payment for such a good job. Besides, how else are you going to build a castle literally right next to me and Ben's so I can hang out the window and you can pull me over?

You are so crazy.

That's why you love me!

Yes. Probably so.

Thank you to @iluvrainclouds for the ask!

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