Kiss, marry, kill: Chad, Harry, Gil?

199 4 3

I'd kill Chad, marry Harry, and oh, my gosh... This is not a good bunch of guys to choose from!

Well, I'd kill Chad, marry Harry, and kiss Gil.

You make your choices like they're really easy...

Oh, they are. Chad's a jerk because of what he did to you, Harry's hot and I wouldn't mind putting a ring on it, and kissing Gil would be over in two seconds.

M, he's got a crush on me! It wouldn't be over in two seconds! It'd create an eternity of problems for me in the future because he'd take it the wrong way!

E, kiss him on the cheek.

That might send the wrong message, too!

Just pick kiss Gil.


Thank you to @bal4life1 for the ask!

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