How much older is Evie?

464 4 9

Not enough to count.

I was born March ninth, and M was born October ninth. It's exactly seven months. What part of that is not enough to count?

It just doesn't. I'm usually more mature than you anyway.

I strongly disagree with that statement. But, as you can see, Mal hates that I'm older than her.

I can't help it! My mind was meant to be older!

And I can't help that my mind actually is older. But anyway, we've ended up in the same school year because on the Isle, school works a little different than at Auradon. On the Isle, your skill level determines your grade instead of your age, so when our transcripts were translated to Auradon school standards, Mal was at the same grade level as me.

Y'know, I think age is a state of mind.

Is that like being short?

Shut up, E.

Thank you to @Descendantsfan03 for the ask!

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