What would be your first reaction if Dove or Sofia were standing behind you?

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Well, the first thing I would say would be... "YOU CREEP!!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING BEHIND ME?!!!"

I don't think I'd react that way at all actually. Mine would be more like, "Oh, my gosh, I didn't see you there! Oh, wait a minute! You're Sofia Carson/Dove Cameron! It is so nice to meet you!"

But it'd be creepy, E. The first thing I'd be doing is asking why in the world some creep is sneaking up on me.

I know, but I don't quite operate that way.

You need to, though, because that's an important question that needs to be asked!

I guess... Paranoid much?

I am careful, Genevieve. Careful.

Thank you to @iluvrainclouds for the ask! Also, there are ten parts until this book is officially finished! Wow! :o

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