How do you react when one of you gets sick?

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I try my best to take care of Mal and make sure that she's warm and comfortable. I make sure to give her massages if she wants and medicine, and I offer lots of cuddles, too.

Yeah. E's an absolute angel when it comes to me being sick. As for me, I'm willing to get E anything she needs as long as I don't have to be in the same room with her for very long.

Mal doesn't do well with puking, mucus, or anything that is associated with sickness.

For good reason, though! Can you imagine the amount of germs that are being carried in that nasty mess?! I'm liable to catch your disease, too, and then where are we going to be? In an endless turmoil of me and you giving sickness to each other!

You are so dramatic.

Thank you to @iluvrainclouds for the ask!

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