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[Name] slumped down the cushioned metal chair as she let a sigh go past her lips. In her hand was a small apple juice box while in front of her was a plate filled with french fries— oh and one big french fry.

'Wait no that's just Saltyshima.'

"Man, I hate this," the girl said, leaning her head back. "It looks like we're the ones on a date here."

Kei rolled his eyes which soon followed by a click of his tongue. "You're the one who told them to get a whole different table."

Both[Name] and Kei looked to their side and watched Tadashi and Hitoka who were sitting a couple of tables away from them— those were the only vacant tables left when they arrived.

The [h/c]-haired girl groaned and faced Kei again.

"Well, it kept looking like we were just a group of friends hanging out earlier," she said. "Plus, Hitoka-chan just kept talking to me while Yamaguchi-kun was just staying silent. At least, this time they're forced to talk to each other."

The blond in front of her decided not to continue their conversation anymore and just stared outside the fast-food chain. Beyond the window was just the small mall they were in that had a couple of stores and arcades. For half of the day, all they've been doing is roam the mall as a group of four.

Kei understood why [Name] made Tadashi and Hitoka go by themselves. Still, he was a little bummed by the whole situation.

"All of this better be worth it," [Name] said, sighing soon after before sipping from her apple juice box. "If not, Yamaguchi-kun's gonna get it."

"Get what?" the blond asked with his eyebrow raised.

"A shouting from me," the girl said with a pout.

"Why would you even shout at Yamaguchi? What did he do to you?"

"If this whole date doesn't go well, then Hitoka-chan will be sad. That's enough for me to be mad at him," she said.

"As if he'll ever hurt Yachi because he wanted to," Kei said, rolling his eyes at her. "Besides, Yamaguchi is the most loyal person. He won't leave her after asking her for a date. If anything, Yachi might be the one who ends up hurting him."

"How dare you say that?" [Name] asked with a raised voice while leaning forward. "For your information, anyone who gets Hitoka-chan would be the luckiest person ever!"

"And who's to say it's not the same for Yamaguchi?" the blond said, leaning to the table as well.

"Nothing can ever top Hitoka-chan's kindness towards others!"

"Yamaguchi also possesses the kindness you speak of."

"If that boy doesn't appreciate how sweet and innocent Hitoka-chan is, then he's blind."

"I'll say the same if Yachi doesn't value how much Yamaguchi cares for those special to him."

"He better appreciate how her eyes light up when she's working on something she loves!"

"She better do the same when Yamaguchi does his bright smile."

The two continued to glare at each other before turning silent and coming to a realization.

"Wait. Don't tell me-" [Name] raised her empty hand and covered her mouth with it. With a low voice, she said, "You like him?"

Kei only looked at her with wide eyes before leaning back on his chair and looking away. Once he turned sideways, the growing red hue on the tip of his ears became noticeable.

'Shit. How did she know?'

[Name] started laughing, but her laugh was more of a dry sad one rather than an entertained one because of her discovery.

"Ah, what a sad fate," she said, with her forehead on the table. "To think we'd both be in the same situation."

"Wait," Kei said, surprised. "You to Yachi?"

"Mm," [Name] replied, her head still on the table. "At first, I thought you just really treasured him as your best friend. Then I realized that you seemed to see him more."

The girl raised her head and looked at the couple sitting away from him. Kei did as well.

"This makes this whole thing a whole lot sadder than it already is," she said. 

[Name] placed her elbow on the table leaned her forehead towards her palm—groaning.

"I can't believe we both like our best friends who in turn like each other."

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now