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Classes had resumed and that only meant one thing: work. That wasn't the only thing [Name] was stressing over though.

The [h/c]-haired girl leaned her head back and groaned before taking another sip from her box of apple juice.

"Groan one more time and I'm leaving you here," Kei said.

"Don't leave me Tsukishima. Who else am I gonna share all my gay distress to?" [Name] said.

"Someone else."

"Oh come on! I thought we were heartbroken buddies?"

Right now, the two were at the rooftop. It wasn't really an off-limit place, but still many won't go up there— probably because of the height of the place. Which made it the perfect place for [Name] to groan all about her problems.

"I don't know what to do, Tsukishima!" [Name] said, dragging the last letter of Kei's surname. "She keeps talking about him when we talk and it hurts hearing it but at the same time seeing her look so happy and infatuated makes me happy as well."

"Oh? Too bad," Kei said, taking a bit of his lunch and eating it.

"I always thought I'd be ready when she finally finds someone she wants to be with. But now that we're here, I don't think I can bear another day having to smile at her while hearing her talk about Yamaguchi-kun."

"That's rough buddy."

"Tsukishima! Why are you like that?!" [Name] said, groaning.

"What do you want me to say?" he asked. "You're only at that position because of yourself."

"What the hell am I gonna do then? Ignore her?"

"Sounds like a plan," Kei said, taking another bite from his lunch.

"That's not a plan!" the [h/c]-haired girl said with a pout.

She lifted her hand and took another sip from her juice box before huffing out loud.

"What do you even do when Yamaguchi-kun talks about Hitoka-chan?" [Name] asked.

"I let him send me the text messages then I don't read them and only answer with a generic reply."

"That's mean, Tsukishima."

"But effective," he said. "Unlike you, you're getting hurt."

"Hey! Don't call me out like that!" [Name] said, pouting. "What do you do though when he's telling you verbally and not through text?"

"I tune him out," Kei replied.

"You put your headphones on while he's talking with you?"

"No," the blond said, scrunching his nose as if he was disgusted by the idea of wearing his headphones when he's with Yamaguchi. "I just don't listen to him. I think about something else."

"You're really good at blocking out things you don't want to hear, huh?" [Name] said.

"Why thank you," Kei replied with a smile that she knows he gave just to piss her off.

She rolled her eyes before asking, "Doesn't he notice though?"

"Not really. When a person is far too into their own emotions, they tend to overlook everything else," he said.

"I don't think I can do that to Hitoka-chan," [Name] said.

"Obviously. You're too nice to her," Kei said. "If you want to move on from your own feelings towards her, you have to make selfish decisions."

"I know that, but I..."

"You can't because you care for her too much and all that stuff."

"Yeah," [Name] said. "Also, I've liked her for almost a year now, I think."

"Meanwhile for me, it's only been two weeks or so," Kei pointed out. "Honestly, it's understandable that you find it harder. Still, you're not making it any easier with what you're doing."

[Name] only groaned at what he said. She knew he was telling the truth though. Acting the way she has always been around Hitoka makes it harder to move on from her. But she didn't want to hurt Hitoka. If she distances herself from the blonde girl, she'd hurt both herself and her best friend.

'I know that's what I need. But I can't handle that hurting and distancing myself from her. Doing only one of those was already hard as it is.'

"Do I really have to be selfish?" she asked.

"Whatever I say, it's your decision anyway."

"Yeah," [Name] said, taking another sip from her apple juice.

'What do I want to do?'

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now