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In the end, [Name] was unsuccessful in trying to convince Kei on setting the plan to move on in motion. 

It was already past seven pm, which meant she had to go home. [Name] was ready to leave by herself but Kei's mother didn't let her take a step outside without forcing her son to accompany her home.

"I could've walked home alone, you know? I mean, I always have been for the past few years of my life," [Name] said, kicking a pebble.

"If I had the choice, I wouldn't come with you," Kei said, tucking his hands in his pockets.

[Name] groaned as she leaned her head back. "I'm sad. My visit was all for nothing."

The blond rolled his eyes before facing her while still walking. 

"Why do you want to help me so bad?" he asked. "I mean, I understand. But why are you so persistent about it?"

"Because that's my distraction," the [h/c]-haired girl said. "I get to help you while I get distracted from my own feelings. It's not healthy but it's productive"

Kei looked at [Name] then sighed before looking away.

"How do we start it then?"

[Name] looked at him with wide eyes. "W-What?"

"Moving on."

The [h/c]-haired girl's lips curved to a smile as she realized what was happening.

"Oh my!" she said— excited with the turn of events. "Well, first you should tell me why you like him in the first place!"

"I take it back," Kei said.

"No take backs, Tsukishima!"

The blond rolled his eyes before taking a deep breath in.

"Whatever," he said. "I like how nice he is towards me. He's always by my side and for some reason, he never left me. I know I'm not the easiest to get along with. That's not a surprise. Even then, he's still there."

"Do you like him or the idea that someone is by your side despite everything?" [Name] asked.

"Are you my therapist now?" the blond asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"I'm just trying to know you better!"

"I think I actually do like him. I've felt this before— liking someone. It's the same feeling. Just weird now since it's on someone incredibly close to me."

[Name] nodded, understanding what he was saying.

"How do you feel about our situation right now?" she asked.

"Not the best. But what did I expect? I never really thought about more than liking him anyway. I never did, not to anyone. I'm pretty content with having my time to myself for now."

"That's nice to hear," [Name] said, smiling. "I don't think moving on would be a big problem for you then."

"Thanks for the assessment," the blond said, giving her his teasing smile.

"I hate that smile," the girl said, clicking her tongue at him.

Kei snickered before looking ahead while they were walking.

"What about you?" he asked.

"What about me?"

"How do you feel about our situation right now?

"I don't know," [Name] said, kicking the pavement. "I mean, I'm definitely happy she's found someone. I told you before, I knew she and I wouldn't really get together. Still though, experiencing it, feeling how she's slowly slipping away from me. It's really hard to deal with."

The girl sighed before continuing.

"Honestly, I wish I had the same sentiments as you, Tsukishima. I wish I only liked her recently. Maybe then things wouldn't be this hard."

"Well, one year is really hard to move on from," Kei said.

"Yeah," she said, sighing. "I've associated her with a lot of things at this point. Like how whenever I look at the night sky, I see the stars and then my mind goes to her. They're always the first thing I notice whenever I look up during the night."

The blond snickered as he heard her talk about her crush on Hitoka.

"You sound like you love her so much," he said.

"Stop it!" [Name] said with a pout on her face. "I do, okay? I love her as my best friend while liking her very much."

"Then moving on won't be easy for you," Kei said, pointing out a fact.

"I know," she said.

"So don't rush."

[Name] looked at Kei, a little surprised with his genuine comment.

"I-I won't."

The blond only nodded before staring forward again.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now