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It was a Saturday— one of the only Saturdays where the team didn't have a practice. So when [Name] ended up in front of his house, Kei was definitely surprised.

"What are you doing here?" the blond asked, confused.

"Oh, I brought you this!" [Name] said, holding up a cake box.

"A cake? Wait, no. Wrong question. Why are you here?" he asked.

"I asked Yamaguchi-kun where you lived! So here I am."

Kei rolled his eyes at her before talking again. "I asked you why not how."

"Oh!" [Name] said, now realizing what he meant. "You know how Yamaguchi-kun and Hitoka-chan are on a date right now and how they don't need us third-wheeling anymore? Well, once I didn't have her to chat with, I realized how little my friend circle is. So I came to bother you!"

"Don't you have someone else to bother? Like perhaps Hinata?"

"As much as I'd love that, I don't know what type of conversation I'd have around Hinata."

"Doesn't really explain why you have to annoy me though," Kei said, still not letting the girl in.

"I have something to discuss with you so let me in, Tsukishima!"


Kei crossed his arms as [Name] just stood in front of him. She just brought up the box as one last attempt to convince him to let her inside his house.

"There is a strawberry shortcake inside here," the girl said, pointing to the box with her free hand.

Ever since the two started hanging out— which has been a month at this point, [Name] has found a way to make Kei talk about himself, surprisingly. One of the things he has told her is his preference on strawberry shortcakes. Since then, the girl had been using it to make him go along with what she wants, and shockingly, it works.

"Alright," Kei said, moving aside. "Come in."



[Name] sat on the chair that came with Kei's study table— sitting on it the opposite way with her chest to the backrest. A slice of the cake she brought earlier was on a plate that she placed in front of her— using the backrest as a support for the plate.

Kei, on the other hand, was sitting on his bed with a plate as well. One of his legs was bent while his other leg was spread on the mattress.

"It's a little surprising that you're not drinking an apple juice right now," the blond said.

"Oh, I know my limits. I may love apple juice but partnering it with a strawberry shortcake?" The girl gasped before continuing. "That would be an insult!"

Kei rolled his eyes before taking in another bite from his cake.

"So why are you here?" he asked.

"I told you. I'm here to discuss something with you!"

"Which is?"

"Helping you move on!" the [h/c]-haired girl shouted.

The blond looked at her with wide eyes for a second— surprised with her sudden declaration.

"Move on?" Kei asked.

"Yeah! Seeing how we're gonna have to do it either way at some point, why not start now?"

"Why me? Shouldn't you be more concerned with your own self? Since you are the one hurting more?"

"Well, I thought about that," [Name] said. "But if we start with me first, it might take longer since, like you said, I'm the one hurting more. So? What do you say?"

Kei understood what she was saying. That doesn't mean he'll agree though.

"No," the blond said, taking in the last bite of his slice.

"Come on, Tsukishima! We're heartbroken buddies, remember?"

"I don't remember agreeing to that," Kei said, narrowing his eyes at her.

"You don't have to! You're a guaranteed member. Anyway, let's start Operation: Moving On— Tsukishima Version!"

"No thanks," the blond said, standing up from his bed.

"Come on, Tsukishima! Let me help you!" [Name] said, her eyes following Kei as he walked towards the table behind her.

"Like I told you," Kei said, placing down the plate on the table. "No."

[Name] huffed before placing down her unfinished plate just beside Kei's. Then, within a second, she stood up and tackled Kei before he could even get back to his own bed.

"Wh-What?!" the blond said as he fell to his bed with a sudden weight on his back. "Get off me, [Surname]!"

"Never! Not until you let me help you!"

Kei turned to his back, causing [Name] to lose balance and fall to the floor. The blond snickered as he watched her sit with her legs crossed while glaring at him.

"I won't give up!" she said.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now