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It has only been three days since their last date. But considering they were on their school break, they really didn't have much to worry over.

Both Kei and [Name] looked at the couple that they were third-wheeling over with a straight face. Tadashi and Hitoka seemed to have a better grip on holding a conversation between them, making Kei and [Name]'s presence unneeded.

Knowing the way they feel towards their best friends, the sad look in [Name]'s eyes every so often didn't slip by unnoticed by a certain blond in the same situation.

"Wanna ditch them?" Kei asked with a smirk.

"Sure," [Name] replied, grinning at him.

So the two left their best friends and headed to one of the arcades inside the mall. The moment they stepped inside the arcade, [Name] looked around in awe.

"You look like an idiot who's never seen the arcade," the blond said, snickering.

"It's been too long since I've been in one!" the girl said. "Quick let's go there!"

For around an hour or so, [Name] kept dragging Kei around the whole arcade, spending both of their money for the arcade's coins. The first they played with was the mini basketball games that were beside each other.

"I win!" [Name] shouted.

The points they individually gathered were 124 to 99 with the [h/c]-haired girl in the lead.

"It's like you didn't even put any effort," the girl said, pouting.

"Who said I did?" Kei said, raising his eyebrow at her.

"That's not how matches work, Tsukishima!" [Name] said while the blond just walked away from the machine. "Come back!"

"No, thanks."

"Hey!" the [h/c]-haired girl said, running to him.

[Name] was unsuccessful in dragging Kei back to the basketball machine. In the end, [Name] was only able to drag him to one of those arcade machines where they fight each other using a character. They ended up doing five rounds against each other with Kei winning three of them.

With only one coin left, [Name] decided to spend it one of the crane machines. When they got near one of the big crane machines, the girl looked at the small glass box and tried to pick out a stuffed toy she'd aim for.

"Oh," [Name] said.

"What is it?" Kei asked.

The blond watched as the girl pointed out one small stuffed toy that looked like a bunny.

"It reminds me of Hitoka-chan! It's so cute~"

"Idiot," Kei said, clicking his tongue. "If you're gonna use your last coin to try and get that then give it to her, you really are an idiot."

"Why are you saying that?" [Name] asked, looking down.

"Use it for yourself," the blond said. "You won't get anything if you get that for her."

"If she gets happy from it then isn't that something?"

"What's the point of someone else's happiness when it gives you nothing?"

[Name] only watched Kei as he walked away from her. The girl looked down before inserting the coin in the slot.

'I know thinking of her first won't do me any good, especially now that she has someone.'

The claw hovered over the bunny, swinging back and forth. Once it had settled down, the girl pressed the button.

'But, it's what I'm used to doing.'


In the end, [Name] didn't get the toy. She still had fun anyway. Although she did have one question.

"Tsukishima, why did you lead me to the arcade?" [Name] asked while they were walking home. "I mean. I just found it unusual that you would suddenly propose that."

"I dragged you out of the situation with Yamaguchi and Yachi because of how pathetic you looked while you pushed them together."

"Oh?" she said, raising her eyebrow. "Why did you care?"

"I guess I just sympathized with you that's why I did that," Kei said, shrugging his shoulder. "I don't get it though."

"Get what?"

"How you can choose to make her happy when the cost is your own happiness."

[Name] glanced at Kei before looking away and smiling.

"Well, she's very dear to me. I've been friends with her since we were wearing diapers. I think it's pretty normal to act that way, especially since I like her as well."

"But you pushing her to Yamaguchi is obviously hurting you," the blond said, pointing out [Name]'s expression earlier that was almost unnoticed.

"Well, that's normal right? Aren't you hurt that Yamaguchi-kun is planning to go out with someone who isn't you?"

"Maybe a little, but I don't care much. After all, I started liking him just recently. Maybe even after Yachi started liking him," Kei said, still looking forward.

"Still, you knew him longer."

"But in the span of just a month, she appreciated him more than I ever did." He glanced at the girl beside her before continuing. "You, on the other hand....."

"I've liked her way before he even knew Hitoka-chan existed, yeah. But like I said, I never saw us getting together so I expected this. The least I can do is help her get him."

"You're awfully selfless when it comes to her," the blond pointed out.

"I'm awfully selfless with people I care about, Tsukishima," [Name] said, smiling. "Thank you, by the way."

"For what?"

"For pulling me away from them. Although I would've wanted to help them more, I think it was nice to keep my mind off them for a while as well."

"Like I said, I only did that because I sympathized with how you felt," Kei said.

"I know," the girl replied, smiling at him. "That's why I'm offering you a proposal!"

"And that is?" the blond asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Let's be heartbroken buddies!"

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now