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"[Name]-chan," Hitoka said, looking at the door of Class 5. "There's someone for you here."

"Oh?" [Name] turned around from her seat to see her tall blond friend standing by the door. "Tsukishima! Why are you here?"

"Do you have time?" Kei asked.

"Huh?" The [h/c]-haired girl glanced at her bento box and her best friend in front of her before looking back at Kei. "I guess I can make time. Excuse me, Hitoka-chan."

[Name] stood from her chair and walked towards the blond boy. "Will this take long?"

"Depends. I'm planning to keep it short, though," Kei said.

"Where are we gonna talk? Just here? On the grounds?"

"I'd prefer the rooftop since it's more private there."

"Okay," [Name] said, walking towards the stairs that led to the rooftop.

'What does he want to say and why does it have to be private?'


Turns out, when Kei said he was planning to keep it short, it meant he was going directly to the point.

"Let's go out during the weekend. Just the two of us," he said.

"Is that all?" [Name] asked, a little confused. "I mean, sure! I just- I don't understand why you couldn't have just said that while we were near the classroom."

"It's not just that," the blond said, sighing before gathering the courage to say what he wanted to say. "I don't want to go out just as friends."

"I... I don't get it." 

The [h/c]-haired girl looked at Kei with a confused expression which soon turned to a surprised one once the blond said his next sentence.

"I like you, [Surname]."

For a moment, the two just stared at each other. 

[Name] wondered if she heard what he actually said or if her mind was making it up. She also wondered how the blond could say something like that with a straight face. Sure, the tip of his ears were noticeably a little pink, but other than that, he looked like he just said something normal.

Kei, on the other hand, was panicking inside. He wanted to keep all his emotions inside for now because if he even showed a little of how he was feeling right now, he worried he might not stop himself from suddenly rambling on because of how nervous he was.

'I hate this risk,' he thought.

"I'm sorry. What? Did I hear you right? You said you liked me?" [Name] asked.

"I do," Kei said, raising his eyebrow before continuing, "I thought I said it out loud pretty clearly."

The [h/c]-haired girl's expression quickly shifted into a mix of a panicked and worried one.

"N-No, that can't be," she said.

"Why?" the blond asked, curious why she was reacting that way.

"Because you liking me just further complicates things," [Name] said, bringing her hands up to the air and then quickly bringing it down, gesturing how much of an impact his words had.

"How? If you don't want to go on a date, then I'm totally okay with going out just as friends," Kei said. Although it hurt his heart and his ego to say that, he didn't want to force her to anything she didn't want.

"That's not the problem!" the girl exclaimed.

"Then what is?"

"It's that I'm actually considering it!"

Kei only stared at [Name] as the said girl tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"What's wrong with that?" He asked. With a softer voice, he gave her another question. "Do you dislike the idea of dating me?"

[Name] quickly looked up, meeting eyes with Kei. For a second, she blanked out on what to say.

"It's not that," she said shaking her head. "Trust me when I say I like you. But I'm not sure I like only you."

The blond was confused and he only had one response— blinking profusely as he tried to understand the situation.

"Look," [Name] said, sighing as her right hand rubbed her left arm. "I just don't want to commit myself when I'm not sure if I'm already over Hitoka-chan. It's unfair to you. So, I'm sorry. I can't give an answer to you just yet."

The said girl turned to the door and opened it. But before she left, she turned back to him and said something while looking at the floor.

"Also, I think it'd be better if I distance myself for a while. I hope you understand."

And like that, she left.

Kei only stared at the door as he wondered what just happened. Before everything, he looked at all the possibilities he could think of to prepare himself. But this? This wasn't one of them.

'Wait. Did I get rejected or not? Also, she said yes to going out earlier but then it looks like she doesn't want to now, so are we or are we not going out during the weekend?'

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now