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[Name] was a loud person. That's how Kei got to know her. So seeing her all silent as they walked home just confirmed his thoughts— she was still bothered.

Not hearing her ramble about anything was a really weird thing to experience and it bothered him as well.

The blond only sighed as he made a decision.

"Let's go inside that store," Kei said, pointing at a convenience store.

"You need something?" [Name] asked.

"No," he replied. "You need something."


[Name] still looked at him, confused, as they entered the store and headed towards one of the aisles.

"Alright. Pick one."

The [h/c]-haired girl's eyes widened a little as she realized where they stopped— the aisle for the apple juice boxes.

"B-But I told you I maxed out on drinking them today," she said.

"One more wouldn't hurt more than how your heart is right now."


"Alright, how about this?" Kei asked, picking up the nearest juice box.

"That brand?" [Name] said, rolling her eyes. "Might as well feed me trash."

The blond, as a response, furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"I don't understand how you can't just pick one and go," Kei said as he watched the [h/c]-haired girl look at every brand of apple juice on the shelf.

"You don't understand, Tsukishima!" [Name] said. "Those may say they're apple juice but they're mostly posers. They taste like crap."

The blond continued to watch with an amused expression as [Name] decided to talk about the differences in each brand.

"This one's just weird. This one tastes too bitter. This, on the other hand, is far too sweet to the point I think it's fake. This-"

[Name]'s nose scrunched up as she grabbed the juice box sitting on the chest level shelf.

"Why the hell is this here? This is freaking orange juice. Wait here, I'll return it to its shelf."

Kei snickered, extremely amused, as [Name] walked away and looked for the section for orange juices.

"Alright," the [h/c]-haired girl said as she walked back to Kei. "Now where was I?"

"You were on your way to pick your apple juice."


[Name] scanned every shelf to look for the brand she was used to buying. A gasp went past her lips as she crouched down and grabbed a small juice box on the bottom shelf.

"Here it is!" she said, standing up. "Now this is the best apple juice. You can notice how the general public agrees just by the small number of stoc- Hey!"

While [Name] was talking about the brand, Kei swiped the juice box and headed towards the cashier.

"H-Hey, Tsukishima!" the girl said, catching up to him. "I was still talking!"

"At your pace, I'd get home by midnight."

"Alright," [Name] said, huffing. "Wait let me get my wallet."

"Too slow," Kei said, bringing out his money and paying for the juice box.

She looked at the whole exchange of money and purchasing the product with a confused expression. Even as the blond gave her the paid juice box.

"Idiot, take it." And she did.

The girl only continued to watch with a surprised face as the blond walked out of the convenience store. Once her eyes went back to the juice box in her hand, a smile spread on her face. Quickly, she walked out of the store as she inserted the straw in the box.

While taking a sip, [Name] stopped next to Kei who was just outside the store, waiting for her to go outside. The blond glanced to his side and saw her smiling at him while the straw was in between her lips.

The [h/c]-haired girl stopped drinking for a moment and grinned at him.

"Do you wanna taste it?" she asked.

"No thanks," Kei replied.

"Come on, Tsukishima! Taste it!" [Name] said, handing up her juice box to Kei who gave her glare.

"Ew. No," the blond said before walking away.

"Hey come on! This is the best brand I promise!"

The [h/c]-haired girl ran to the speedwalking blond and grabbed him by the sleeve.

"You're back to being annoying again," Kei said.

"Don't lie. You like me like this!" [Name] said grinning at him.

'Well, yeah. I do,' the blond thought. 'After all, a smile suits your annoying face more.'

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now