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All three matches were done. The one against Johzenji. The one against Wakunan. And the hardest match which was also a rematch in a way, the one against Aoba Johsai.

All of those matches, Karasuno won. Which meant only one thing. The next team they were up to was the one team everyone expected to win— Shiratorizawa Academy.

Karasuno's first best of three to five sets match.

The first match was easily taken by Shiratorizawa, ending it with 16-25.

The next set wasn't as quick to end. This match ended up going all the way up to the thirties level of score. It was the set where Shiratorizawa's ace, Wakatoshi, was blocked by none other than the tallest of the Karasuno, Tsukishima Kei.

The moment that happened, everyone had reacted greatly. But for [Name], nothing compared to when it was Kei himself who had reacted. The block also ended up giving them the point to win the second set with the score 31-29.

After that, the third and fourth were taken by Shiratorizawa then Karasuno with the respective scores, 18-25 and 29-27.

It was the in the final set where [Name] was on the edge of her set. The set which should've stopped at the score fifteen, ended up being another deuce.

It was also the set where Kei had an unfortunate accident. Saying that [Name] panicked would be an understatement.

Still, the Karasuno team was able to take the set with the score 21-19, making them the team going to the nationals.


Currently, the team was preparing to leave the venue.

"Let me see," [Name] said, extending her hand out for Kei to place his injured hand no.

"Why should I?" Kei asked with a flat tone.

"I need to check it."

"Since when were you a medic?" the blond teased, but still complying with her request.

"It doesn't look like the bleeding was that excessive. But, it still came in contact with those powerful spikes which might not be that good," the girl muttered under her breath as she observed the hand. Moving her head up to face the blond, she asked, "Did the nurse tell you to go back or something?"

"Not really," Kei replied.

"I see," [Name] mumbled. "Does it still hurt?"

"Oh. It's actually fine now. It feels great," the blond said, the sarcasm evident in his tone.

"I'm just concerned, you know?"

"What am I supposed to say when it's obviously hurting?"

"I-I don't know. I just-"

[Name] sighed, softly removing Kei's hand from her palm. Without looking up, she crossed her arms over her abdomen and moved her right thumb over and over on her left arm.

"I panicked, you know?" she admitted. "I knew getting injured over a sport was possible. But it really hits different when the one injured is someone you care for. I knew you'd be fine but when you returned to the court, I couldn't help but worry more for your state."

Kei clicked his tongue as he looked at the girl.

"I'm okay. Okay? Stop worrying like an idiot."

"But, it still hurts doesn't it?"

"Of course it does," the blond replied. "But, I realized something."

"What?" [Name] asked.

"At that moment, I didn't care about the pain. I just wanted to get back to the court," Kei said. "That must be what it feels like to finally like volleyball."

"I'm glad you feel that way," the girl said. "But!"


Kei placed his hand over the top of his head, the part that [Name] had hit with a chop.

"Don't go all volleyball obsessed and not think about the actions, okay?"

"As if I'll do that," the blond chuckled. "I'm not like those idiotic duo."

"Well, at least we're clear with that."

[Name] smiled at the blond who returned it with a smirk.

"Alright," she said, walking to the bus. "Let's go ahead! Who knows, we might get free food!"

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now