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"So, when did you know?" [Name] asked.

"Know what?" Kei asked in return.

"That you liked him."

Kei clicked his tongue and looked away. The date between their friends earlier had finally ended. Tadashi wasn't with them though because [Name] pushed him to accompany Hitoka home. As a result, only the two of them were together while walking home.

"I'm not required to tell you," the blond said.

"Mou~," the girl said, pouting. "Come on, Tsukishima."


"I'll tell my side if you tell yours!" she offered.


"I knew since last year."

Kei raised his eyebrow at the girl who suddenly blurted her story.

"It was the last year of middle school," [Name] said, smiling at the pavement they were walking on. "We had a play that time. You should've seen how cute Hitoka-chan was at that time. She still had small ponytails on each side of hair. She was absolutely adorable. When she smiled at me while on stage, that's when I knew just how much I liked her."

Kei looked at [Name] and saw how happy she looked while talking about Hitoka.

"It actually surprised me, you know? I mean, she's been my friend since I was little. I was so surprised that I found myself fancying her."

[Name] stopped talking for a while— her eyes still on the pavement as they walked. She stretched her arms and connected her fingers, pushing her palm out.

"So," she started. "What about you, Tsukishima?"

Kei didn't really want to talk about it. He just found no reason to talk about it, especially when Tadashi finally liked someone. Still, something about the atmosphere between him and [Name] just made him want to talk. Maybe it was the fact that he knew she'd understand how he feels and who he is.

"Come on! Tell me, Tsukishima~"

"Training camp."

[Name]'s eyes widened once she heard him talk. Sure, she was teasing him but she never expected he'd actually tell her— considering his attitude.

"Wait," [Name] said, looking at Kei. "Your gay awakening happened during training camp?!"

"Shut up, [Surname]."

The blonde rolled his eyes at the giggling girl before saying, "I've always known. But I only started liking Yamaguchi last week, okay?"

"Oh," the [h/c]-haired girl said, nodding to show she understood. "How did you know though?"

"Around middle school, I noticed how I also felt attracted to my own gender when compared to girls."

"Wait. You like girls too?" [Name] asked.

"Yeah. Is that surprising?"

"Not really," she said, shaking her head. "So are you bi or pan?"

"I never really cared too much about labels. But I've always felt more comfortable saying I'm bi."

"Me too," [Name] said, smiling at him.

The two continued to walk beside each other. For some reason, [Name] decided to stop asking. Kei had questions of his own though.

"I think it's unfair that I told my story but you didn't," the blond said.

"It's not like I was planning to not tell it," the girl said, grinning at him. "Anyways, I always thought I liked only girls. I mean, that's how it was growing up. First year of middle school though, that's when I had a crush on a boy. That's when I realized that I might not like just girls."

[Name] looked at Kei and smiled at him.

"I never knew we actually how something in common, Tsukishima!"

"Yeah. Whatever," Kei said. "By the way, why have I never seen you around if we walk the same direction?"

"Oh?" the girl said. "I actually get home later than you. I first make sure Hitoka-chan gets home before I go home myself."

"You walk her home?"

"Yeah. I can't leave her alone. She's far too cute while also being defenseless. I just want to make sure she gets home safe."

"You worry about her that much?" Kei asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" [Name] said, giggling. "She was my best friend after all even before I started liking her. I just want to make sure she's always safe and happy."

"Is that also the reason why you kept pushing her to Yamaguchi earlier despite liking her?"

"Yeah," she said, her finger scratching her cheek. "I mean, I always kinda knew we wouldn't work out. So at least, I want to make sure whoever ends up with her will take care of her. And from how you described Yamaguchi-kun, he sounds good for her."

[Name] looked forward and smiled as she said,

"All I want is for her to get the best. Even if the best isn't me."

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now