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Classes were over for the day which meant one thing— training.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kei asked.

Beside him was [Name] who was carrying three boxes of apple-flavored juice boxes.

"Juice boxes," the girl said, looking at the blond with an 'isn't it obvious?' look.

"I mean, why are you carrying that much?"

"Oh!" she said with a surprised tone as if she's confused why someone is even asking that question. "Well, I need it to regulate my happiness."

"What?" Kei asked, confused more than ever.

"It's my daily source of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin."

The blond only narrowed his eyes at the girl who seemed to have a huge liking to apple juice.

"Whatever [Surname]."


[Name] and Hitoka sat on the stage beside each other as they assessed the training, taking down notes about each members' progress.

"It's amazing how fast they are able to improve," [Name] said, taking down how Shouyou and Tobio's new quick was being polished.

"They're all amazing," Hitoka said, smiling as she watched the team.

"And to think you almost didn't join as a manager," the [h/c]-haired girl said, pointing her ballpen towards her friend.

"I really have to thank Hinata for that, don't I?" the blonde girl said, writing down something on her notebook with the smile still on her face.

"You really must. If it wasn't for you joining, then how else would you have gotten close with Yamaguchi-kun."

Once [Name] had pointed out that fact, Hitoka turned red and hid her face with her notebook. The [h/c]-haired girl chuckled as she placed her finger on top of the notebook and pushed it down.

"You're cute as always, Hitoka-chan!"

[Name] continued to laugh as her friend tried to calm herself down to get rid of the blush rising to her face.

'If only I could make you that happy.'

The girl only gave herself a small smile as she looked back at the team once more.

'Well, being friends with her is still something to be glad about.'


"Here you go, Tsukishima!" [Name] said, handing Kei a dry towel.

"Thanks," the blond said, taking it from her hand with his vacant one— the other one was holding the water he was about to drink.

"You're welcome~," the girl said, taking a sip from her juice box.

"You're still drinking that? How many do you have left?"

"I only have one left after this box," [Name] said, frowning soon after. "I was limited to seven boxes per day. And the thing is, they're not even big juice boxes!"

Kei only snickered as he watched [Name] explain why her limit should be raised. Within the past few days—mostly because of their strange connection, the [h/c]-haired girl had seemed to be more comfortable in talking to the blond despite never really talking to each other. Surprisingly, the boy was also able to hold normal conversations with her.

"You're like a simpleton right now. Complaining about being restricted on your daily consumption of apple juice? Ridiculous."

Of course, being comfortable with each other doesn't mean she'd escape any of his remarks.

"I need my apple juice!"

"That much everyday isn't healthy, idiot."

"Who cares? It's yummy!"

Kei only rolled his eyes as [Name] continued to talk about how her intake of apple juice greatly affected her mood and performance every day. However, when the girl suddenly stopped talking, the blond couldn't stop himself from looking at where she was— what stopped her.

He felt a sharp attack to his heart as he saw Hitoka and Tadashi just talking and being all cute and shy towards each other. Okay, he was a little jealous. Only a little. They were used to seeing them that way though— the whole team was.

"Damn it," the [h/c]-haired girl said while looking away from the two.

Kei and [Name] glanced at each other before looking away as well. The blond only rolled his eyes as the [h/c]-haired bit her lip while they shared the same emotion with [Name]'s being stronger. The two both looked down at the beverage in their hands— a water bottle in his hand while a juice box in hers.

While they both took in their drink, they had one thing in mind.

'Being sad never tasted so good and refreshing.'

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now