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"I actually thought you wouldn't come," [Name] said with a grin.

"After the way you called out my name? Also, Yamaguchi and Yachi literally pushed me to go to you," Kei said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Those two did, huh?" the girl said, giggling. "You know I think they actually still like each other. We should help them."

"Is that why you called me?" the blond asked with his eyebrow raised. "To ask me to help you get them back together?"

"N-No!" [Name] exclaimed, waving her hands in front of the boy. "That's not all! I also wanted to tell you something."

Once those words were said, Kei's heart started pounding faster.

'Is she finally going to give me an answer?'

He was scared. There were only two options, accept or reject. And right now? He was sure he had more chances on getting rejected rather than being accepted.

"Well, the water break might end soon," he said as nonchalant as possible.

"Okay, here I go," [Name] said, taking a quick deep breath in and out before continuing. "You see, I know I told you yesterday I was confused and I know it's only been a day and it's probably not that long to ponder over something serious, or is it? I don't know. I mean, I've never experienced it and um- I..."

The [h/c]-haired girl bit her lip as she tried to find the right words.

"What I was trying to say is I know how I feel now and it's pretty clear to me who I want to be with. Not that it was a choice in the first place since only one actually liked me. Not that I'm saying I made my decision because this is the only time I experienced this."

[Name] grit her teeth and furrowed her eyebrows. Her fingers scratched the side of her head as she mentally cursed herself for poorly constructed sentences.

"I should've drafted this first," [Name] said, fidgeting with her fingers. "Whoever said they should speak from the heart when saying things like this is wrong. The heart is messy and I am stumbling over my words."

The girl pouted and pressed her lips together before groaning and shaking her head.

"All I want to say is, I like you, Tsukishima!" [Name] said, pointing at the blond before lowering her hand and continuing with a softer voice. "And this time, I'm sure it's only you."

"Really?" Kei asked, his eyes a little wide from the surprise.

"Mm," the [h/c]-haired girl said, nodding. The girl put her hand on her nape and looked to the side before saying, "So, if the offer's still up, I'd like to go out with you during the weekend."

"Let me check my calendar to see if I'm free," the blond said, smirking at her. "But my phone's in the club room so I can't check up on that until later."

"Hey! That's unfair!" [Name] exclaimed as she watched Kei walk away.

"You made me wait one whole day," Kei reminded, the smirk still on his face

"I'm sorry about that, okay?" the girl said, pouting at him.

"I was kidding," the blond said, chuckling. He looked to the side and back at [Name] before saying, "I just remembered, I'm pretty much free during the weekend."

"How about the slot as your girlfriend? Is that still open?" [Name] asked with a wide smile.

"I'm afraid it won't be available until after the date," Kei said, shrugging.

"Well, I can bear a few days," the [h/c]-haired girl said, giving him a closed eye smile, making the blond smile a little as well.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now