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The two walked home together beside each other— Kei fresh from training with his brother's team.

Akiteru apparently had some errands to run so he couldn't accompany the two. It didn't matter that much. They were used to walking home anyway.

"I'm honestly surprised your mom allows you to stay this late," Kei said.

"The team's training goes way later than this one so she's pretty cool about it," [Name] said, sipping from her juice box.

"But this is a different location, isn't she bothered by that?"

"She knows I'm with you, so it's fine."

The blond raised his eyebrow as he wondered about what she said.

"But your mother doesn't know me," he pointed out.

"She knows you're a boy."

"And that means?"

"She trusts you have the ability to protect me," [Name] said, her face blank as her eyes stared forward. "Even though I'm fully capable of doing that."

"If she knew I wasn't as strong as she thought, I'm sure she wouldn't have agreed."

"Nah," the [h/c]-haired girl said. "The fact that you're the opposite gender is enough to make her push me to spend more time with you."

The blond looked at her more confused now before asking, "Why?"

[Name] took another sip from her juice box, sighing as soon as she was done.

"She believes exposure to the opposite gender will benefit me greatly."

"Oh," Kei said, realizing the situation. "Does she know?"

"About me being bisexual? No," [Name] said, shaking her head. "But I'm sure she has her suspicions. When I was little, I never talked about a boy. I'm pretty sure she thinks I just like girls. So when she found out I was hanging around you, well, she's happy."

Kei nodded, not wanting to say anything rude to a touchy subject.

"Can I tell you something?" the girl asked.


"I don't want to have a crush on a boy as much as possible," [Name] admitted.

'Okay. That just hurt my heart a little,' the blond thought.

"Why?" he asked her.

The girl sighed running her hands through her hair before answering his question.

"I don't know. I just want to spite my parents, I guess," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "I want to show them this isn't just a phase. This is a part of me. I like both genders, damn it. Not just one!"

[Name] groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I'd like to think they're just protecting me from the harsh views of society on people like us who don't just like the opposite gender. But, honestly? I just think they don't want a gay child. I think they'll feel like they're a disgrace once I tell them."

The girl let out another sigh, facing Kei— who was just listening to her— soon after.

"I feel like, once I like a guy, they'll think I'm straight now. That hurts so much. It's like they're erasing a part of me. I don't want that to happen."

[Name] shrugged her shoulders and chuckled a little as she said her next words, "Well, if I do end up liking a guy, what can I do about it?"

"I.. I never had a problem with being different," Kei said.

The [h/c]-haired girl raised her eyebrow at him as she wondered what he meant by that.

"My mom talked with me before when I was little. I wasn't really a soft person like how they'd stereotypically describe gay people, but still, she talked to me about it. She told me she'd love me no matter what. At that time, I was pretty sure I was only attracted to girls. Still, it made me more comfortable to be myself because of what she said. "

Kei was pretty lucky, he knew that. He only hoped that [Name]'s parents could be like that as well.

"I wish things were like that for me as well," the girl said. "Well, since you're pretty comfortable with your own sexuality, how about we head to the next step of you moving on?"

The blond noticed how quick she was to change the topic. It was a sensitive one though so he understood why. That's why he was going to entertain her question— to redirect both their attentions.

"What's the next step?"

"Easy!" [Name] said, grinning at him. "We'll find you a new crush!"

"No thanks."

Kei snickered as he watched [Name] react to what he said. The girl kept rambling on how it was going to help him if they found a new crush for him.

'What do I need a new crush for when I already have you?'

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now