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"Yamaguchi-kun!" [Name] shouted from the Class 4's door. "I'm gonna borrow, Tsukishima for a little bit!"

Tadashi looked at her, a little confused at why she suddenly shouted.

"Okay? I don't see why you have to say it to me though."

"Ah," the girl said, giving him an awkward smile before looking away. "I kinda figured you would've wanted to spend your lunchtime with him."

"It's okay, [Surname]. Don't worry," Tadashi said.

"I promise this is only for today!" [Name] said, grabbing Kei's wrist and dragging him away.

Other than being surprised and flustered at her hand around his wrist, Kei had one thought it mind.

'Only for today?'


"I'm guessing you already know, huh?" [Name] said, sitting on the plantbox.

"About Yamaguchi and Yachi?" Kei asked.


"He told me on the way to school."

[Name] looked down at the juice box in her hand and ripped the straw from the back then inserting inserting it in the box.

"Are you happy?" she asked, looking at him.

"About them breaking up?" Kei asked, to which she nodded to. "No. Why would I be? It's unfortunate but that's what they decided to do."

The blond glanced at the girl who was now looking at the ground. He raised his eyebrow as he wondered why she asked that.

"Are you?" he asked.

"Of course not," [Name] said. "I'm just.....conflicted."



The [h/c]-haired girl sighed as she answered the question in her thoughts, not wanting Kei to hear it.

'I was dead set on moving on from my feelings for her. I was sure I almost made it, but now that things are going back to how it used to be, I don't know. Besides, I still have- oh no.'

[Name]'s eyes widened before glancing at the blond who was thankfully looking at something else.

'I can't continue liking you, Tsukishima. I'm okay with liking two people at the same time since at first I didn't really want to do the whole dating thing. But I'm afraid I might end up wanting to date you. I can't let that happen.'

The girl sighed, catching the blond's attention. Inside her head, she still decided on whether or not she'll continue having feelings for him.

'I guess it makes sense that this is what I chose.'

"You know, it's kinda funny that our own friendship is based on our best friends' relationship," [Name] said, chuckling a little. "We hung out because the only people we were around most of the time started hanging out together."

"Yeah," Kei said, a little grateful that things happened the way they did.

"It's most likely gonna end as well because of it"

"What?" the blond asked. "End?"

"Well, things are gonna go back to how they were before, right? I'll most likely accompany Hitoka-chan home again like how I used to since Yamaguchi-kun wouldn't do that anymore. We'd meet during club again like how we used to."

Kei felt a little shocked at the sudden change. He didn't realize earlier just how their best friends' relationship affected each other. Now that the two weren't together, technically, Kei and [Name] had no reason to spend time together unless they wanted to or had time to.

'I....I don't want that to happen. I want to still spend time with you,' the blond thought to himself.

"It's not like we're gonna stop being friends," [Name] said as if she knew what was happening inside Kei's head. "But, things really will be different. You must be happy that you wouldn't be walking with my annoying self every day, huh?"

"Definitely," Kei replied, his thoughts in conflict with what he said.

"It was nice being heartbroken buddies with you, Tsukishima. I hope you won't be a heartbroken boy anymore," the girl said.

The two looked at each other, [Name] smiling at him while Kei just looked at her with his regular passive expression. Both of them, thinking of different things.

'I'm long past being heartbroken thanks to you,' he thought.

Meanwhile, in [Name]' head were these words.

'Tsukishima, since I only liked you recently, it'd technically be easier to forget my feelings for you. I'm sorry I'm using their break up as a way to solve my own problems.'

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now