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It was the fourth of January, the day Karasuno was set to leave for Tokyo— the venue for the games.

At this point, the two have been going out for almost two months.

Within those two months, [Name] began to walk home more with Kei and Tadashi— a request made by Hitoka.

While having [Name] by her side reassured her a lot, Hitoka knew it was a major inconvenience for the girl. So, when she had the chance to, she told her best friend to stop wasting money just so she could make sure Hitoka arrives home safely.

It took a while to convince the [h/c]-haired girl but in the end she couldn't go against what Hitoka wanted. Kei, who was able to watch the week-long refusal of [Name] only found it funny.

Sure, he could've been jealous since [Name] used to like Hitoka. But he knew better. He knew that [Name] only acted that way because she was a very doting kind of best friend and girlfriend.

Other than that, nothing really happened.

When they told the team, they were a little surprised but they got used to it after a few days.

It's not as if they acted different. Kei was still as blunt and sarcastic as ever while [Name] was like a walking ball of sunshine.

The only difference? Apparently, [Name] can get extremely flirty and corny when in a relationship.

"What are you doing?" Kei asked as [Name] moved her phone's screen away from Kei's view.

"I'm just looking at someone very attractive," [Name] replied, the back of her phone now facing the blond to keep him from seeing the picture.

"You're taking pictures of me."

"No I'm not!" the [h/c]-haired girl said, immediately bringing down her phone and locking it.

"Your flash was on, didn't you know?" Kei said, smirking at his girlfriend.

"T-That's my flashlight!" [Name] exclaimed.

"Sure," the blond said, the smirk never leaving his face.

After that, the two continued to walk in silence with [Name] tapping away in her phone.

"Hey, hey, Kei!" she said.

"What?" Kei asked, turning to her.

"Look! I have a pic of someone attractive!" [Name] exclaimed, bringing the screen of her phone a little closer to his face.

"You just have your front camera on, [Name]," the blond pointed out.

"That's the point!" the girl said, pouting at him.

Kei snickered at her failed attempt to leave him flustered. While pouting, [Name]'s eyes looked to the side and widened.

"Oh no, Kei," she whispered.


"I think there's a robbery happening behind us."

Kei turned to his back only to see no one standing there.

"No there's no-"

The blond's eyes widened a little as he felt [Name's] lips against his cheek. Once she pulled back, the boy raised his eyebrow at hed in confusion.

"I am the thief and I just stole a quick kiss from you!" [Name] exclaimed, before running up the hill.

"You idiot," Kei said, bringing his hand to his face as he covered both the smile and blush appearing on his face.

[Name] had successfully left him flustered.

"I'm getting the window seat, okay?" the girl said.

"Whatever, [Name]."

It's not like Kei would battle her for that.

The blond looked at [Name] who was preparing herself to go up the hill. He chuckled to himself as she watched her try her best to run to at least halfway up the hill.

[Name] was always full of energy.

She's almost the exact opposite of Kei.

Still, he liked her. He'd even go as far to say he was starting to love her. But maybe it was too early to say that?

There's one thing he's sure of though.

He's extremely grateful that she arrived in his life.

And he hoped she'd never leave.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now