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"Why?" Kei asked.

"To celebrate! Of course!" [Name] exclaimed from the other side of the call.

It was the weekend after the qualifying games. The blond had decided that since the team was given the weekend to themselves, he would spend it resting for now. That was until [Name] started flooding his phone with texts and calls urging him to spend the day with her.

"I don't-"

"Nope! Sorry! I can't hear you denying! Be there soon!"

Before the blond could even finish his sentence, [Name] had already hung up.

Kei would've been angry at her for doing that, but he did that to her as well before— hanging up while the other was in the middle of saying something.

He only chuckled as he got up from his bed and started to get ready. Honestly, had she pushed him more, he'd end up saying yes to her anyway.


"So, you're going to train with your brother's team?" [Name] asked.

"Yeah," Kei said, walking with his hands in his pockets.

"That's good!" she said, smiling at him. "But don't overwork yourself, okay!"

The blond chuckled at her before saying, "I'm an expert at that."

"Damn right you are. To think you didn't do any extra training and yet you can still perform that well in court."

"You call that talent," he said. "Something you're probably not familiar with."

Kei snickered as [Name] looked at him with an offended look.

"How dare you? I do have a talent!" the girl said, placing her closed fists on her waist.

"And that is?" the blond asked.

"Annoying you!"

The two of them laughed— Kei only laughing softly.

"Yeah. You're an expert at that," he agreed.

It was noticeable how comfortable the two were around each other.

Honestly, if you had told them two months ago that they'd get along this well, they'd probably both scoff at you.


The two stood beside each other, contemplating on what flavor of ice cream to get.

"I'm surprised you haven't chosen the strawberry one yet," [Name] said.

"I've tasted it before. I don't like the taste of this specific brand," Kei said.

"Oh, I totally get that."

The [h/c]-haired girl started talking about the conversation they once had about the different brands of apple juice.

As the girl passionately rambled on about her favorite brand and compared it to other brands, an amused smile found its way to Kei's face. His eyes softened as she proudly declared how her favorite brand is the superior brand.

'Cute,' he thought.

"If anyone disagrees with me, I'd let them pass but I know I'm the right one," [Name] said.

"That's not how opinions work, dumbass," Kei said.

"I don't wanna hear anything else about apple juice. I'm the expert here."

The blond raised his eyebrow at her and said, "Whatever, [Surname]."

"I'll take this!" the girl said, pointing at the [flavor] ice cream.

"I'm getting the vanilla one," the blond said.


It was past six already and the two were walking to the bus stop.

"Yes, mom. I'll be home in around an hour or so," [Name] said while holding up her phone to her left ear. "Okay. Goodbye."

A sigh went past her lips as she kept her phone. She leaned her head back and sighed a second time.

"This is the part I hate the most," the girl said.


"Ending the day when I wanted to do more."

The two walked in silence after she said that. It's not that Kei didn't enjoy spending time with her. It's just that he didn't know how to say he enjoyed it without sounding like an idiot.

"You know, this is one of the little times I didn't go out with Hitoka-chan," [Name] said.

"That's the first time you've mentioned her today," Kei pointed out.

"It is, isn't it?" The girl smiled to herself as she realized that. "That's a good thing, right?"


[Name] just nodded, the smile still on her face.

"Oh, we're here now," she said.

The two of them took a seat on the bench while waiting for the bus. From the bench, they had a clear view of the sun setting.

"I should've brought sunglasses. My eyes are hurting," [Name] said, her hand over her eyes.

Kei snickered as he watched her face start to show an annoyed expression.

While the [h/c]-haired girl was busy glaring at her palm— indirectly glaring at the sun, the blond bit his lip to contain the smile threatening to show.

He wasn't smiling at her suffering. He was just smiling at her.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now