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Kei couldn't stifle both his small smile and chuckle as [Name] passed by their classroom and made a silly face. 

The doors to the classroom were the only ones that gave the students a chance to peek out the hallway since they were a little transparent. The walls were completely opaque— probably to stop the students from getting distracted.

Kei, who was sitting somewhere around the back of the room, looked at the back door only by chance. When he did, it was just in time to see [Name]'s class passing by— right when it was her going past the doors.

Both she and the blond shared a one-second glance. It wasn't long but it was enough for him to know that [Name] was there and for her to know Kei was aware of her class passing by.

So when Class 5 went past the Class 4's other door on the way to the Science Lab, Kei was looking at them— waiting for a certain [h/c]-haired girl passing by.

Once they did, that was when she stuck her tongue out and scrunched her nose at him, leaving Kei a little amused even after she had walked past already.

After that, the blond was once again left alone to his own thoughts. It didn't help that they were in a class right now that encouraged the existence of questioning everything, Philosophy.

The class reminded of that one conversation he had with the [h/c]-haired girl a few weeks ago— the question about hating having emotions. Hist stance on that still hasn't changed. He thinks it's still better to have feelings rather than acting out just based on logic. Empathy plays a large part in making decisions that are more humane— something he thinks should be superior.

There's one thing that changed though— the way he saw their connection to each other.


"Tsukishima!" [Name] said, beckoning the blond to come closer from the classroom door. In her other hand was her bento box.

It was already lunchtime for them which meant one thing— back to the rooftop they go.

"Tsukki, are you going now?" Yamaguchi asked once he saw [Name].

"Yeah," Kei replied, giving the green-haired boy a small nod.

"Okay!" Yamaguchi then faced the [h/c]-haired girl. "Is Yachi still in the classroom?"

"Mm," [Name] replied. "I think she'd still fixing some of her things."

The freckled boy just nodded before walking away and heading to Class 5. Kei, on the other hand, went to grab his lunch first before walking out the classroom.

As the two walked towards the stairs, [Name] started to talk about her class and what happened while they were in the Science Lab.

"So, Takahashi-kun was holding a beaker, right? I mean we all were. Then, not even ten seconds passed by before we heard the sound of something breaking."

"Is that where your class want to earlier?" the blond asked.

"Yeah!" the girl replied. "Anyways, after that here's what happened."

[Name] continued to talk about how chaotic their science class became. First, the breaking of the beaker. Second, someone accidentally got a little burn from heating a test tube. Also, someone ended up spilling all over the floor. Long story short, the whole hour was very eventful.

While the [h/c]-haired girl talked about her class— using hand gestures to emphasize some words, the blond beside her just watched and listened with an amused smirk.

At first, Kei really just let [Name] hang around him just because of the fact that they understood each other's situation. She was a little hard to deal with at first with all the loudness she had and her jumpy behavior. Still, he let her stay around him just because of how much she was able to help Kei understand his own feelings towards his best friend.

A little after they started hanging together though, he grew more accustomed to her personality and surprisingly, he didn't mind it.

If anything, he actually started to enjoy her presence.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now