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[Name] hummed a little tune as she walked along the road with Kei. Her arms swung with every step she took, her humming in sync with every sway she did.

Kei only snickered at how childish she looked despite having a discussion earlier over whether or not feelings should be something we have. The duality she possessed both entertained and amazed him.

"You know Tsukishima, you're not bad at all," [Name] said.

The blond raised his eyebrow at her statement. "Are you implying that you thought I was bad before?"

"Well, whenever I saw you, I always just saw you as mean. I mean, you always snickered when someone makes a mistake and you're quick to comment with hurtful remarks."

"They only hurt because they're true," Kei said, shrugging soon after.

"Well, yeah. But, you could say it in a more comforting way," [Name] said, frowning at him.

"Caring about their feelings? Let me think." The blond looked up with his hand on his chin— looking as if he was actually considering it. After a few seconds though, he just did another shrug. "No thanks."

"But you seem to watch your mean insults about me. Admit it, I'm special to you," the girl said, aiming finger guns at him while doing tongue clicks.

"I only watch it when it's about your crush," he said. "And I only do that because we're in the same situation. It's actually taking everything in me to tolerate you."

"Still! That means inside that arrogant-looking salty heart, you can show concern," the [h/c]-haired girl said, grinning at him. "That's something I never thought you could do."

Kei only rolled his eyes at her, not wanting to entertain any more of her comments. It was true though. He only stuck by her because of how similar their problem is— liking their best friend. And to make it worse, their own crushes liked each other.

"This is nice," [Name] said, looking down with a smile on her face.

"What is?"

"Having someone to talk to about how I feel while knowing they won't judge me. I don't think I've ever felt this um..."

She pressed her lips together and hummed a flat tune as she tried to find the word she wanted to say.

"This safe, I guess."

Kei looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well. If I'm discussing my feelings as a girl liking another girl, I don't feel like I have to hide anything because I know you understand."

[Name] sent him a smile as soon as she finished her sentence.

"Doesn't Yachi know?" the blond asked. "I mean, you being bisexual. Not the part where you like her."

"Oh she does," [Name] said. "But ever since I started liking her, I stopped mentioning whether or not I had a crush on someone. Once I bring it up, she'd ask who it was. What do I reply to that?"

"Can't you lie about it?"

The [h/c]-haired girl only smiled as she shook her head.

"I can't lie to her, not to her face. Plus, I think she'd be able to call me out immediately. After all, we had known each other for years. If I just tell her I like someone, I know for a fact that I'd slip up at some point," [Name] said.

Kei nodded, understanding where she was coming from.

"So I'm really happy I got to talk with you," [Name] said. "It may have been a sad way of getting close to someone, but I'm happy nevertheless."

The blond looked at the girl for a second before returning his gaze forward. In his mind though, he also had the same thought.

He has never been the type to talk about his own feeling and knowing that someone really understood how he felt without having to explain it? Well, that just brings a whole different sense of comfort.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now