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"What?! You broke up?!"

[Name] blinked a couple of times again before asking another question.

"What did you say?" the [h/c]-haired girl asked.

"Yamaguchi-kun and I aren't together anymore," Hitoka said.

The night before, the blonde girl suddenly asked [Name] if she could walk with her on the way to school again. Of course, she said she will.

So now, they were walking side by side— only a few minutes away from school.

"Is that why you asked to walk with me?" [Name] asked.

"Partially, yes. But also because I missed my best friend." Hitoka smiled at the [h/c]-haired girl who smiled back. "I kind of noticed how we didn't spend that much time together anymore."

"That's okay," [Name] said, shrugging. "It's normal when you're in a relationship to suddenly not spend that much time with your friends."

Hitoka pressed her lips together before saying, "I'm sorry, [Name]-chan."

The mentioned girl's eyes widened. She started waving her hands in front of her as she talked, "I-I didn't mean it that way, Hitoka-chan! I totally understood why you were spending less time with me. It was totally okay, I promise!"

"I still feel guilty though," the blonde said, rubbing her arm. "I feel like I started failing as a best friend, you know?"

[Name] started patting her best friend's back while giving her a comforting the blonde.

"You weren't, okay? I'd never get angry at you for spending more time with the person you like. It's pretty normal. I'll only get angry if you cut me off just because of a person you like."

"I won't," Hitoka said. "How about you?"

"How about me?" [Name] said, returning the question she didn't understand.

"Do you like someone and you want to spend more time with them?"

For some reason, the first person she thought of was Kei. Still, she couldn't shake off how she felt happy she was beside Hitoka right now.

'I've never been this confused before.'

"No," the [h/c]-haired girl replied, shaking off the thought for now.

"Is that so?" the blonde mumbled.

The two continued to walk side by side, with [Name] curious about something. She pressed her lips together before opening her mouth and asking,

"So, why did you two break up? I mean, you've just been together for about four months."


"It was a mutual agreement. We both decided that we still weren't cut out for relationships. At least, for now," Tadashi said.

"But you still like her?" Kei asked.

The green-haired boy just nodded as a response while they were walking, his hands in his pockets.

"I don't understand," the blond mumbled, not really intending for Tadashi to hear— but he did.

"Don't understand what?"

"Why you chose to be in a relationship then break it while still liking her."

"It's not that complicated," Tadashi said. "I just took my chance and when we were finally there, we both realized it didn't really work like how it should. So we did the logical decision and separated."

"If you weren't sure about it, why did you ask her out?"

"Because I wanted to take that risk."

'Risk? But then he also mentioned being logical? How can you be logical in something that can't really be defined by logic?'

Here's the thing, Kei didn't understand relationships— or at least relationships that are quick to end. It always brings up the question, 'why start something when you're not sure it'll work out in the end?'

"Why?" Kei mumbled to himself.

Tadashi looked at his friend, grinning.

"Don't worry, Tsukki! You'll understand it when you experience it."

'I think I'd rather not.'

Was there even a person he was willing to do that for?


The blond was caught in surprise when he made eye contact with the person who was just in his mind seconds ago.

Coincidentally, the two pairs of best friends arrived at the school the same time.

Hitoka and Tadashi shared a smile, showing things were okay between them.

As for [Name] and Kei, the girl gave him a look that told him they needed to discuss something. To which Kei responded with a nod.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now