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Can be considered canon or non-canon to the fanfiction by the reader.

The only match for the day was done and Johzenji had lost. 

Karasuno won with two straight sets. Sadly, only when the Johzenji team had finally felt pumped, that's when the match ended.

Yuuji sighed, disappointed that they couldn't play more. They still had next year though, so he still had a chance to get back at Karasuno.

"Good game," someone said.

The blond turned his head and saw the girl he still didn't know the name of smiling at him.

"Is it good enough to get your number?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'll think about it and get you back on that soon," [Name] said, smirking back.

"How will you do that when the next time we'll meet will probably be next school year's games?"

"Then can you wait a year for that?" the girl asked.

"I'm a little impatient person," Yuuji replied.

"That's too bad then," [Name] said, walking away. 

Yuuji chuckled, shaking his head lightly as the girl walked away. Until then, he still had no idea who she was. Her teammates would probably not answer him if he even asked.

Maybe that's all she'd gonna be— a mystery that he found interesting.

"Oh," the girl said, turning— her body sideways as her head faced the blond. "I'm [Full Name]. Did you get that?"

"Got it," Yuuji said, grinning at her.

"Nice receive, Terushima-san."

With that, [Name] continued walking towards her team who she was still yet to congratulate.

'[Full Name], huh?' Yuuji thought. 'I'm actually excited to know what happens next year.'

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