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"You know you don't have to come with me, right?" Kei said.

"I know," [Name] replied while swinging her arms. "But I want to."

The blonde rolled his eyes, turning away to hide the small smile on his face.

They had about a day left until the second round of qualifying matches which was gonna last three days this time.

"Tsukishima," the [h/c]-haired girl said.

"What is it?"

"You better block your brother's team this time."

The blond faced the girl who was smiling at him, in turn making him grin back.

"Yeah," he replied.


"Akaizawa-san!" said the setter from the opposing team.

As the ball got set up, Kei analyzed the situation.

'The receive was off, so the attack can only go left. The toss is a bit far from the net. Akaizawa-san is going for the course that he's best at, a cross.'

The blond started to shift his feet as he prepared to move to his position.

'Right as your opponent is about to hit the ball-'

Kei ran to the side and timed his jump to the spike of the ball.

'-you complete the block.'

The ball hit the blond's palm, causing it to bounce back over the net. As everyone was in shock with the successful block the high schooler made, a grin made its way to Kei's face.

"Nice block, Saltyshima!"

The blond looked over [Name] who was still inside the gym, waiting for him.

To avoid confusion whenever Kei and [Name] was around Akiteru, the [h/c]-haired girl resorted to using that nickname when she was talking to Kei. For Akiteru, she still called him by their last name only with an honorific.

"Now do a receive," [Name] said with a teasing tone.

Kei's expression shifted as those words came out of her mouth. His grin turned into an annoyed smile with his eyes nearly closed.

'I swear to kami-sama, this girl is such a headache.'

Still, he was a little happy she always supported him— even if it came along with some teasing.


"You're coming here more and more often, [Surname]-chan," Akiteru said while wiping his hair with a towel.

"Well, I want to make sure this guy here is actually trying," [Name] said, grinning at the older Tsukishima while pointing at the younger with her thumb.

Kei rolled his eyes as he stopped drinking water.

"You're only staying because you want to annoy me into buying you another apple juice box," he said.

"No, I'm not!" the girl said. She pouted at Kei before turning to Akiteru. With her hand covering Kei's view of her lips, she said to the older Tsukishima, "That's definitely what I'm doing."

Akiteru chuckled and gave Kei a surprised look. [Name] giggled as well.

"He actually buys you something? That's unfair Kei. What about your own brother?"

"You have money," Kei said, taking another drink.

"That makes me sound like a broke person!" [Name] said, her eyebrows furrowed.

The blonde with the glasses raised his eyebrow before lowering his bottle and asking, "You're telling me you're not?"

"I am. But don't expose me like that!" the [h/c]-haired girl said, huffing.

Kei snickered as [Name] continued to pout. Akiteru looked at the two before smiling.

"Alright," the older Tsukishima said, clapping his hands to catch the two high schooler's attention. "We're gonna do one more round."

"Alright," Kei said, placing down his bottle.

The blond glanced at [Name] first and saw him smiling at her, making him turn away quickly.

As he walked back to the court, a faint smile could be seen on his lips. It wasn't obvious, but it was there.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now