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[Name] sat on her bed, still pondering on the question she had in her head.

'Do I still like Hitoka-chan?'

Right now, she had to get the answer because if she didn't she might regret it later on. If she mistakenly thought she still liked Hitoka, then she'd pass up dating Kei— the one person she actually wanted to go out with from all her past crushes. But if she decided to act rashly, she might make a decision that would hurt Kei.

'Earlier, I hugged Hitoka-chan and it helped me calm down. What does that mean?'

[Name] bit her lip as she took out her phone and clicked on one of the contacts.

It was time for her to see the answer to her question.

Calling..... Ringing.....

Hitoka-chan <3

Call accepted.

"Hello? [Name]-chan?"

"Hi, Hitoka-chan."

"Why did you call?
Do you wanna talk
about it now?"

"Mm. I do."

"Okay. I'm listening."

[Name] took a breath out, preparing herself to talk about her feelings while trying to avoid slipping up on how she had a crush on the girl on the other end of the line for about a year or so.

"Tsukishima admitted
something to me earlier."

"What was it?"

"He told me he liked me."

"He did? What did you say?"

"A lot."

[Name] said, pausing.

"But none of them
was about accepting
his offer on a date."

Hitoka stayed silent for a second— probably a little surprised that Kei had the guts to be open with his feelings and ask out the person he likes.

"Is that why you both
were acting off earlier?
Because you rejected him?"

"I didn't reject him."

[Name] started fidgeting with her bedsheet, scared that she might slip up soon.

"Then why were both of you-"

"I didn't necessarily
accept his offer as well."


"I like Tsukishima, but..."


[Name] took a deep breath in. If she didn't want to expose herself to Hitoka, then she had to lie a little about the situation.

"I'm not sure I like him."

She was actually more than sure that she had feelings for the blond boy, but it wouldn't make sense to say that.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now