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[Name] whined as she and Kei walked to the gym. The blond just glared at her as she groaned with almost every step she took.

"Stop that. It's annoying," Kei said.

"I'm sad, okay?" 

"When are you not sad?" the blond teased.

"Hey!" [Name] said, laughing. "I'm happy most of the time!"

"Not when you start thinking about someone," Kei said, smirking.

"That's unfair!" the girl said with a pout. "Why is it like I'm the only one sad about that? Aren't you sad too?"

"Not like you."

"So unfair."

Kei chuckled before composing himself again.

"So, what are you sad about this time?" he asked.

[Name] groaned and pouted before answering.

"Remember how I kinda have this seven apple juice box limit?"

"No," the blond replied in a heartbeat.

Well, he did, but he wanted to tease her so he'd rather pretend he didn't.

"Am I even your friend?" [Name] asked with a hand on her chest.

The blond stared at the distance and looked as if he was thinking hard about what he was going to answer.

"No. I don't think so," he said, looking at her while also giving a short shake of his head.

"What the hell, Tsukishima!" the girl said. "You mean I was in a one-sided friendship all this time?"

Kei only snickered as he looked at [Name]'s offended face.

"I was joking, idiot. How can I forget when you keep mentioning it every time?"

[Name] lightly punched my arm before scrunching her nose at me with a glare. It was amusing, to say the least.

"Anyways, I maxed out already on that! And now I have to wait until tomorrow."

"That's so sad for you," the blond teased. "You see? I care so much."



"Here you go~" [Name] said, handing Kei a dry towel while he was drinking from his bottle.


Before Kei could even wipe his sweat, the two shifted their gaze towards Hitoka and Tadashi who were smiling at each other. The blonde girl was wiping his face while also messing up his hair a little bit. Once Hitoka was done, she grabbed the towel and held it in her hand as she smiled at Tadashi.

Tadashi, as a response, smiled at her as well before planting a kiss on the top of her head, leaving Hitoka a blushing mess.

[Name]'s eyes immediately avoided the two once she realized what happened. First, her eyes shifted to the floor near them before looking at her own feet. She kept blinking to stop the tears that wanted to come out while her heart was aching in her chest.

Kei only sighed as he watched her desperately try not to show the team what she was feeling. He felt sorry for her. He wasn't as affected by her because his own feelings weren't as strong compared to hers and he could only imagine how heavy it is for her.

"Oh look," [Name] said, still facing down the floor while giving off a dry laugh. "I never noticed this before. I think the floor is kinda dirty. Maybe I should get something to clean it. Yeah, I probably should."

The [h/c]-haired girl kept on rambling about the floor, trying to direct her attention to it rather than what she was feeling.

"Here," Kei said.

A dry towel was suddenly on top of [Name]'s head. So was the blond's hand which was still on the towel.


"You looked like an idiot," the blond said, clicking his tongue. He removed his hand from the towel while looking away. "No one's gonna see your stupid face with that on you so you can cry."

The girl started to giggle as she realized what he meant. 

"That's so stupid," she said, placing her hands over the towel and wiping her eyes with it. "Thank you, Tsukishima."


All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now