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Tsukishima Kei had two things in his mind right now.

He both had a good and bad realization as he thought things through while staring at the ceiling.

The good realization? He was completely over Tadashi. Not that it was hard getting over his friend. After all, he did start liking him only recently, and soon after that, he started trying to get over him. He spent more time getting over his feelings than liking Tadashi.

The bad realization? He had a new crush.

What's the bad thing about that? Well, only one.

His new crush was the person who made it her goal to help him get over Tadashi. While doing so, he didn't know why but he started liking her, [Full Name]

Okay, maybe he did know why. He knew exactly why.

What he really didn't know was how Hitoka didn't see what he saw.

How could she not see how amazing [Name] was?

Or was it that Hitoka was too used to the [h/c]-haired girl's personality?

Maybe it was that. The blonde girl was too used with [Name] that's why she didn't see how lucky she was to have around.

Then again, Kei was a little glad that the other blonde didn't see the [h/c]-haired girl that way. If she did, then Kei wouldn't have ever noticed just how wonderful the apple juice loving girl is.

That mere thought of being glad that things happened the way it did already contrasted the blond so much with his new crush.

It was incredibly selfish— being thankful that [Name]'s feelings weren't reciprocated.

If they were in reversed situations, the [h/c]-haired girl wouldn't be thinking that way. She'd probably just think harder on how to help the blond move on.

And that's one of the things he found extremely admirable about her.

[Name] was by far the most selfless person he knew. Sometimes, it came to the point that she uses it as a coping mechanism and ends up pushing away her own problems— avoiding them— while helping others.

While it is productive, it was also self-destructive.

Still, she was kind. At first, he found her annoying, sure. But he never dismissed how kind she was to everyone including him even when they weren't talking.

It was her second nature to be helpful and caring.

That's another reason why he saw her admirable.

She was one of the most well-suited to be a manager out there with her capability to worry over and care for her team.

One time, Shouyou caught a cold just a week before the qualifying matches. Even if he desperately begged to be allowed to play, [Name] kept stopping him and told him to make sure he gets better first.

It took a little while, but she was able to convince Shouyou to take a rest. Apparently she had scared him off by telling him that if it didn't disappear, then he might end up getting sick during the qualifying matches.

Other than those though, there's this one reason that triumphs over all the other reasons why he started liking [Name].

The main reason he started seeing her the way he did was because of how her eyes look so happy when she talks passionately.

People say that a person's smile is the most beautiful accessory someone can have. Kei disagrees with that statement.

It is beautiful, indeed. [Name] smiling was one of the nicest things in the world to see. But nothing can look better than her eyes whenever she's talking about something she likes.

One of the prime examples of that is just how focused and serious she is whenever she talks about her favorite brand of apple juice.

During one whole dialogue of hers about her favorite brand, her facial expressions shift a lot. She goes from a smile to a straight face to suddenly laughing and a little disgusted face when she mentions another brand somewhere during her whole rant.

That sight of her just talking about something she loved never failed to put a smile to his face. The blond would successfully hide some of those smiles, but if you look enough, you can see his eyes soften whenever she's talking despite a smile not visible on his face.

To Kei, [Name] was the prettiest when she just acts like herself. And that was most of the time.

Kind, bubbly, loud but nice to be with, and a smiley person.

'Now that I think about it. I think sooner or later, I would've started liking her anyway if I didn't already.'

After all, she was just that likeable.

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now