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Once again the two were having lunch on the rooftop— secretly avoiding Tadashi and Hitoka while using the excuse that they want to leave the couple so the two could get closer.

As usual, Kei was sitting his lunch while [Name] just drank her third apple juice for the day, oh and eat her lunch as well.

"Done!" the girl said, packing away her bento box and her finished juice box.

[Name] brought out another juice box and peeled off the straw attached to its back. Once she had the straw in the box, she lifted up the juice as if she's making a speech.

"I dedicate this drink to the sad gays like us out there," the [h/c]-haired girl said before lowering the drink and taking a sip. "Ah, cheers!"

Kei only rolled his eyes at how [Name] was acting. It wasn't a new sight, but seeing her act like a little girl drunk from apple juice was something he'd never really get used to it.

Sometimes, it made him even think maybe she had been actually drinking something that wasn't just apple juice. He knew she wasn't the type to do that though, but still with the way she acted, if she tells him that the apple juice had something mixed in it, he'd actually believe her.

"We have around twenty more minutes until next class," [Name] said, glancing at her watch. "Well, time to lie down."

The [h/c]-haired girl took off her black blazer and neatly folded it to form a makeshift pillow. Once she had finished, she lied down the rooftop floor— the coldness of it contrasting the warmth of the sun.

[Name] watched as the clouds slowly walked across the sky above her. As her eyes followed the cotton-like clouds, her mind drifted to a thought that had been plaguing her mind for some time already.


"What?" Kei asked, looking at her.

"Have you ever hated having feelings?"

That question made the blond think for a moment. He spared a glance at the girl whose eyes still faced up before looking away.

Had there ever been a point of his life where he regretted ever feeling anything?

Sure he had felt disappointment before as well as betrayal. But were those emotions enough to make him hate the idea of having one in the first place?

"I don't think I ever have," Kei replied.

"I wish I can say the same," the girl said, looking up at the sky. "Having feelings overcomplicates stuff. Like right now. If I didn't have feelings then this wouldn't even be a big deal. I wouldn't have to worry about how I feel towards Hitoka-chan."

[Name] moved to the side and sighed.

"I hate how unpredictable it is. I mean, I told you before that I've been friends with Hitoka-chan since I can remember. Then suddenly, I started having feelings for her? Isn't that unfair or something? Like why suddenly?"

Kei understood that. He and Tadashi may not have been friends as long as [Name] and Hitoka have been, but still their own friendship has been long as well. He had never seen him as anyone other than a friend, then suddenly that changed.

It was weird, sure. Surprising as well. But what could he have done? Like [Name] said, feelings are unpredictable.

"If you didn't have feelings, then you wouldn't have the capability to love apple juice the way you do," Kei said.

"Well, you're right," [Name] said, giggling. "Maybe there are good sides to having feelings. Like having the chance to appreciate apple juice."

The girl sat up and hugged her knees as she let out a sigh.

"Still, it would be nice to not like her the way I do right now. Maybe then, I could genuinely be happy for her now that she has Yamaguchi-kun."

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now