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It felt weird.

Tadashi was talking to him, yes, but it felt different. It didn't feel like how it should and it was weird for Kei to feel that way.

About half his life, he spent with Tadashi and he was used to walking home with him more than anyone. But for some reason, the four months he spent walking with [Name] made him more accustomed to it than what he was originally used to.

Kei wasn't the person to voice out his feelings, but that didn't mean he was ashamed to discuss it in his head.

'I miss walking with her. I miss randomly going to the store just because she wanted another juice box. Damn it! Why am I missing her when i just saw her a few minutes ago during club time? I hate this.'

The blond groaned.

"What's wrong, Tsukki?" Tadashi asked.

"Nothing, Yamaguchi," Kei replied.

"Something's definitely wrong," the green haired boy said, looking at his friend with an 'I don't believe you' expression. "You didn't call me out for using that nickname."

The blond groaned once again, annoyed that he was caught.

"It's nothing, I swear," Kei said. He had never confided in Tadashi about his problems— especially on crushes. But maybe, he'd try for once. "It's just about my shitty feelings."

"You like someone?" Tadashi asked, a little surprised.


"Is it someone from our class?"

"No," the blond said, scrunching his nose.

"Well there are definitely a few who like you in our class."


'There are?' Kei thought. 'Wait, that's not the point right now.'

"I don't care about that," the blond said.

"Then who is it?" Tadashi asked— more of a question to himself. "Is it one of our managers?"

From the sudden stiffening of Kei's shoulders, Tadashi guessed he was right.

"You've never showed any attraction towards Kiyoko-senpai. Besides, the only manager you actually talk to is [Surname]," Tadashi gasped a little as he went through a mini realization. "Is it her?"

When Kei looked away while the tip of his ears turned a little red, that's when Tadashi knew he got it right.

"Was it obvious?" Kei asked.

"Not really. I only figured out because you said you liked someone and she's the only one you actually like talking to."

"I see," the blond said, clearing his throat to avoid the awkwardness that might come soon.

"What's wrong about your feelings?" Tadashi asked.

"Nothing," Kei said, shaking his head. "It's just weird how I want to walk home with her as usual."

"You like her. Naturally, you'd want to spend more time with her," the green-haired boy pointed out. "Do you want to date [Surname]?"

"I don't know," the blond admitted. "I just want to spend more time with her."

"Then ask her out for just a friendly date during the weekend."

"I kind of hate that idea," Kei admitted.

"I thought you wanted to spend more time with her?"

"I meant her just viewing it as another regular hang out."

"Then that means you want her to value it more than usual," Tadashi pointed. "Which means only one thing. You want her to see it as an actual date."

The blond looked at him with a confused face— still unfamiliar with the whole asking out process.

"I want to actually date that annoying girl?" he said to himself.

"Annoying?" Tadashi asked. "You call the person you like annoying?"

"Well she is, especially for making me feel like this."

The freckled boy chuckled as he watched Kei act like a different person just because he liked someone.

"So are you gonna ask her out?" Tadashi asked.

"What if she likes someone else?" Kei knew for a fact [Name] did like someone else but he didn't want to out her to Tadashi.

"Then that's a bummer," the green-haired boy said. "But you wanted to spend more time with, right?"


"Then take the risk, Tsukki."

"Don't call me that."

Tadashi grinned at Kei— happy the blond was back to his old self. The blond responded with a quick glare and eyeroll.

"Will you do it though?" the boy with the freckles asked.

"I.." Kei pondered for a second before breathing in and saying, "I'm gonna take it."

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now