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It was the day of the qualifying matches for the Interhigh rounds. If the team wins both then the next match would be in a month or so to determine who was going to battle for the nationals spot.

"Hinata, do you want me to accompany you to the washroom area?" [Name] asked, panicking for the orange-haired boy.

"N-No, it's okay. I'm gonna be fine!"

"If you say so," the girl said, backing away.

Right now, the team was preparing for the final match for the day. They had one problem though, the other team had this towering member.

Winning won't be easy, but then again where's the challenge in things being easy?


"What the hell, [Surname]?" Kei said as [Name] messed his hair while also drying it with the towel.

The second match was over and they won. The nationals dream was one more step closer.

"Come on, Tsukishima! Let someone take care of you!" [Name] said as she continued to dry his sweat-drenched hair. "I'm your friend, right? Let me help you."

"I'm not a baby, [Surname]."

"With your attitude? I'm surprised you're not. You whiny little-"


[Name] grinned and hummed as Kei rolled his eyes.

At this point, they've known each other for more than two months and the blond has only gotten to know her more and more during that.

One of the many things she seemed to enjoy was taking care of others, making the manager position very suitable for her.

As she continued to dry his hair, Kei looked at the smile she had on her face. That sight made him grin a little as well. It was just that infectious.

And there was no denying it.

'She looks so cute right now.'


The team was preparing to leave. The only problem though, they were still missing two members of the team— Kiyoko and Shouyou.

"Isn't Kiyoko-san a bit late?" Ryuunosuke asked with his arms crossed.

"Shall we go check?" Yuu said, his arms crossed as well.

Right after they said that a team started walking out. In the middle was a boy who had spiky blond hair and an undercut.

As he passed by with his team, he exuded so much energy similar to the Karasuno's resident bald punk.

"The hell are you looking-"

Ryuunosuke was cut off his own sentence once he felt the stare Daichi gave to both him and Yuu. Instantly the two looked away.

"Johzenji High," [Name], who was beside Kei, said.

Before the matches, [Name] had looked up the other schools participating. One of them was Johzenji High who got the pass to participate in the Spring Interhigh Miyagi Prefecture because they got up to semi-finals.

Once their captain, Terushima Yuuji, heard the girl say their school's name, his gaze transferred to her. He still had a smirk on his face but now this time, it showed that he was interested in her.

As a response, [Name] glared at him— something Yuuji found amusing.

Kei, who noticed how the other blond was looking at the girl beside him, stepped a little to the side with his hand a little stretched in front of her, covering Yuuji's clear view of [Name].

Because of this, the spiky blond shifted his glare towards Kei who returned it until Yuuji started to face forward. Even so, the Karasuno's tall blond still glared at the back of the Johzenji High captain's head.

"He's a jerk," [Name] said, still looking at the fading figure of the captain before facing Kei. "But you gotta admit he's good looking."

"[Surname], shut up."

"No, I swear. He's got a good face and an attractive aura."

The blond rolled his eyes as [Name] kept laughing.

"Good news then. It looked like you caught his eye," Kei said.

"No thanks," the [h/c]-haired girl said, waving her hand. "I think I'm done surrounding myself with blonds."

"Whatever, [Surname]."

All Bi Myself With You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now