Chapter 22 "Tell Me a Lie"

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July 3, 2014 1:00 P.M.

"Define girlfriends?" Louis said in a mocking face.

"Come on guys, I know some of you have a secret girlfriend somewhere."

"Well I don't have no one to expose, my girlfriend is the best model I have ever seen." Zayn said.

"Oh yeah for sure, that Barbara..." Louie said while stretching his shirt. "She is a hotness of girl, I think I'm starting to feeling..."

"You want me to punch your pretty idiot face Tommo?" Zayn interrupted him with a frowning face.

"Girlfriends are a waste of time." Harry answered.

"Okey okey." the host shut us with her hands and grabs a notebook. "So Liam, last week there was a gossip about you been dating a mysterious girl."

The boys started laughing at it, especially Niall, who was hitting his leg.

"The Payne." Louie turns around looking at me and making a mocking face. "You know the X Factor judge doesn't count as girlfriend right?"

I hit his back. "He's joking, I... I'm single. Just like Harry and everyone else."

"I see, well now Zayn there were some rumors about you and Barbara split. What can you tell us about that?"

"Split... not that I..." Zayn said.

"Unfortunately they are still together." Harry interrupt Zayn with a serious face.

"Great so guys how about if we start with a game?"

July 3, 2014 3:00 P.M.

Two hours later we arrived at the . I was feeling tired, and so do Zayn. I looked at Harry grabbing his microphone and test it. I still can't believe, knowing him two years, and he's still a boy full of secrets.

"Testing 3...2...1?"

"My microphone doesn't work!" Niall said pissed.

"Grab mine." I stand up from the arena sits and get on the escenario.

"Caramel frappuccino for Harry." Kevin arrived with lots of drinks from Starbucks, we all hug him and thank our dad.

"Thank you so much dad" Zayn grabbed his Vanilla sugar free latte. He acts fit sometimes.

"Okay guys, we are starting to rehearsal..."

"Please tell me Paul is not...."

"Hi boys hi!" our gay choreographer walked into the stage with his big megaphone.

We all looked at each other with a disgusted face. From all this years, we have never liked Paul's company. Niall started laughing at Zayn expression.

"Okay so, today we are rehearsing Best Song Ever choreography. I need you all to stretch your legs c'mon, stand in a line."

We stand in a weird line and started stretching. Suddenly Harry pick my butt and starts laughing, I punch him down his legs and he felt in pain.

"Come on guys! We don't have time!" Paul yelled and the rest of us started to touch Harry's intimidating parts while he died of laugh.

One hour later. Almost finishing the rehearsal, we were only missing the flying platform that Niall and Zayn are afraid.

"Is it really safe?" Zayn says to Simon and grabbing his microphone. "I don't think this is 100% sticked." He moves it.

"Zayn please, we have done this plenty of times. You're gonna be fine."

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