Alice's Creative Art

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Down at Pixie Valley the sun was blazing and every Pixie was hard at work, even the pixie ice dragon was handing out pixie icicles.

Pixie Unicorns were causing a traffic jam as they crossed to the other side. So Mr Constable the chief of the police department was busy keeping everyone safe by slowing down the traffic.

Even DJ was having fun listening to his music as he break danced on the street.

Meanwhile Alice was feeling creative. She put on her purple and brown dress, grey leggings, her black boots and tied an apron with stains of paint down the front. Also she grabbed her lucky purple scarf and wrapped it around her neck.

She gathered her easel and paints and sets up in her living room.
Alice glanced through her rosy red eyes and gripped her paint brush, but stopped. She glanced around but there was nothing interesting in her house.

So Alice packed up her stuff, and heads outside into the glorious sun shine. She placed her easel in the middle of the lawn and started to paint the lush green meadow. She even painted the pixie unicorns and the Pixie ice dragon.
When Alice finished she flicked her golden long hair back and peered into her painting.
Something wasn't right, something was missing.

Ivy, Alice's best friend walked past Alice's house while playing her flute but then noticed Alice outside.

"Hello Alice, What you doing?"

"Just painting but can't think. There's something missing."

"Maybe add the park." Ivy suggested.

"Thank you Ivy, see you soon."

Alice waved goodbye to Ivy. Then started to paint the swings, slides, the pixie tree house and the Pixie rocket.
But still there was something missing.

Suddenly Fandango strolled by with his fishing rod and in his right hand was a white bucket full of bait.

"Morning, lovely weather today." said Fandango as he approached Alice. "what an amazing piece of art you got their."

"Thank you Fandango, but there's something missing in my painting."

Fandango glanced at the view, " The ponds missing."

So Alice agreed and started painting the ducks, fish and frogs within the pond and beautiful flowers blooming all around but still there was something missing.

Peter arrived and told Alice to paint the fluffy clouds, trees and the birds flying in the sky. But still Alice wasn't happy.

Alice took a break, and watched Mr Constable waving his hands frantically at the traffic.

Suddenly a harsh, vial voice started on Alice. It was the naughtiest Pixie ever called Nash.

"What's this." Nash said as he took a step closer to Alice's painting.

"My painting." Alice smiled.

Nash snatched the painting off the easel and sprinted towards the pond.

"Come back! That's mine!" Alice wept as she hurried across the road.

Nash began to tease Alice about her painting and made Alice feel low.

"Your painting, it's horrid. I'm more better than you Alice."

"Please, give me the painting back."

"Okay!" Nash replied.

Nash leant forward to hand Alice her painting but as soon as Alice was an inch to grasp it. He threw it into the pond.

"Ah hahahaha, as if I hand your painting back." Nash laughed as he shoved Alice to the floor, "See you around squirt."

DJ and Ivy noticed Alice looking miserable. They hurried over to find out what's up but Alice bottled everything up as Nash stared vigorously into her eyes.

Alice sprinted into her house and slammed the door behind her and cried bucketful of tears.

Meanwhile, Fandango was fishing near the pond and something caught his rod. He tugged and tugged but it wasn't a fish. On the end of his rod was a painting. Fandango recognised the painting and realised something was up.

Back at Alice's home, Carol and every pixie within the valley came to see Alice.

"Alice, its Carol. Please open the door and tell us what's up."
Alice slowly swung the door open to find everyone from Pixie Valley standing at her doorstep.

"I'm not a good artist, I couldn't figure out anything. So I tossed my drawing into the pond."

Carol strolled over and placed her hand on her shoulder,"You know what's missing from the painting?"


"Your friends, who support you through anything. So dear, where's your paints as we're all here to be added to your painting."

Alice smiled and grabbed her belongings. Then sets up her easel outside ready to paint.

All of Alice's friends lined up ready to be painted.

Alice smiled as she painted her pixie friends into the picture.
The final painting was finished and with the help from Alice's friends. Alice managed to create a piece of art.

But as soon as everyone went there own way. Nash the bully started pushing Alice around. Trying his best to bring her to tears.
"Leave me alone Nash! I haven't done anything."

Nash tugged Alice's hair which brought Alice to tears.
Fandango over heard the conversation and hurried to help Alice.

"Nash! You're in deep trouble young lad."

Nash loosened Alice's hair and turned to sprint when Mr Constable gripped his arm tight, "You're coming with me."

Mr Constable took Nash back home where his parents scolded him for his bad behaviour.

"Thank you Fandango for helping me." said Alice as she dried her eyes.

"Your welcome but never let a bully get you down Alice, always stand strong and keep your head high."

Alice smiled and thanked Fandango for his support and from that day on she learnt that she had lots of amazing friends.

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