Carol and the Emergency Call

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The weather was pouring down at Pixie Valley with strong winds that howled through the valley.
Pixie dragons and birds were finding it difficult to fly as the wind forced against their wings.

Pixies were driving in their vehicles making their way to work. When the wind picked up blasting the Pixie rocket into the road causing a hazard.
All the vehicles collided into each other which caused alot of injuries.

At Pixie hospital Carol and Xena who wore green nurse outfits were busy helping other patients. When they got an important call. They both raced into the garage put and sped off into the valley on their Pixie Tigers which were large cats that could run as fast as lightning.

Carol and Xena arrived at the scene where they met Mr Constable.

"Carol, Xena, it's too dangerous for you to go in. The vehicles could flare up. You need to stand back," Mr Constable ordered.

But Carol couldn't wait, there were innocent Pixies trapped within their vehicles.

"Xena, call the Pixie dragon burgade to help rescue the injured pixies," Carol yelled as she raced through the crowd warning the injured pixies that help is on its way.

Carol flicked her brown long hair out from her brown eyes and searched through her bag for medicine, bandages and alcoholic wipes to hand out to the pixies to support their arm or to seal up open wounds.

When Xena finished on the Pixie Cellphone. Xena raced past Mr Constable to help Carol with the patients.

"I order you to stop. It's too dangerous!" Mr Constable ordered.

But still Carol and Xena were hard at work risking their lives to save others.

"Help is on..."

A massive explosion erupted, which flung Xena flying into Mr Constable.

"Ahh help me!"

Carol heard the scream and raced through the blazing flames with out thinking.
There in a delivery van was Violet,who was stuck behind the wheel because her seat belt wouldn't release. Her forehead was pouring with blood.
Carol tried to remove the belt but it didn't budge. Suddenly the back of the van erupted with flames and Violet began to scream.

"Keep calm. Help is on its way!"

Carol searched through her bag and found some scissors. She started to snip the strap but the scissors snapped in half.

Violet screamed louder as the flames rumbled close to her ear. The van was heating up which made Violet and Carol sweat buckets.

Suddenly, the Pixie Dragon burgades flew in and sprayed a whirlpool onto the traffic, extinguishing the fire and Carol's Pixie tiger used his fangs to snap the seat belt.

Carol cradled Violet in her arms as she climbed onto her Pixie tiger and hurried out of the scene.

Meanwhile, A Pixie dragon lost control and crashes into Queen Quineta and King Kayden's Castle.

The balcony where the Queen and King stood gives way and they are left hanging in midair while holding very tight to the edge of the castle.

Carol gets another call on her Pixie Cell phone, "Xena stay with Mr Constable. There's an emergency at Pixie Castle.

Carol raced towards the castle on her tiger to help the Pixie dragon. While calling for back up.

When Carol arrived she saw Quineta and Kayden slipping. Their arms were becoming weak.

Suddenly, Queen Quineta and King Kayden lost their grip and they plummeted towards the ground.

"Ahhh, we going to die." the Queen yelled.

Suddenly, a Pixie with silky wings flew by and grasped the Queen and King.

"Just in time, Ryder," Carol called out.

"Glad you called me when you got the call," Ryder announced.

Carol hurried over to give the Pixie dragon some medicine to strengthen his wings.

Soon the Pixie dragon took flight heading home out of the storm.

The wind and rain settled as the sun peared through the dark gloomy clouds. Carol thanked Ryder for his help and hurried back to help Xena.

Carol, Xena and Mr Constable helped to take the injured Pixies to Pixie hospital where the patients rested in hospital beds to heal their wounds.

Violet thanked Carol and Xena for risking their own lives to help innocent Pixies who were in danger. Violet gave a big hug to all the carers, doctors and nurses within the Pixie hospital.

Soon the knights rebuilt Pixie Castle's balcony and removed the Pixie Rocket from the road. Soon Pixie Valley was looking the same again until another storm collides.

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