Sue and the Soft Song

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Sue was practicing singing in her living room when a loud racket was coming from outside. Mr Constable and Emma were digging up the road as there was a burst in the pipes.

Sue couldn't concentrate so she left her house and went to the park where it was more quieter.

Sue breathed in ready to sing a note when the traffic started to honk their horns being so impatient.

Sue still couldn't get any piece and quiet so she walked into the Pixie forest away from all the noise

The forest was quiet and pieceful. She breathed in and sang a lovely melody so soft that the birds started to dance around her while tweeting along to the song. Even the insects.

Sue sang her heart out as she danced around the trees, Lake and the wizards tower.

Wilson heard Sue from within his tower and raced towards the window with a thunderous look.

"Quiet! I'm working on an experiment and I can't think with all the noise. Leave the forest now and stop that singing!"

"Sorry Wilson"

Sue walked away but then she heard something. Her own song echoing through the leaves on the trees.
Someone was singing Sue's song.

Sue raced through the forest following the soft sweet voice. Soon she arrived and the song stopped but no one was around.

"Hello!" Sue shouted but no reply.

Sue sang once more and again she heard another voice singing.

Sue turned to find a pale young girl in a blue long dress, her eyes were shy blue and her hair was all raggy.
The young girl looked like she's been crying.

"You alright dear?" sue asked

The girl just pointed towards the lake
and started to cry.

Sue glanced over at the lake then glanced back to find the girl had vanished.

Sue began to get goosebumps down her arms. Her whole body trembled in fear.

Suddenly Sue jumped out of her skin when she turned to find the young girl standing near the lake.

The girl pointed to the lake, "My mother used to sing me that song. Are you my mummy?"


"Where's my mother?"

"I don't know,"

The little girl wept as she stood with her hands over her eyes.

"Who are you?" sue asked.

The young girl sharply turned with an evil stare, "I said where's my mother!"

Sue's heart beated against her chest rapidly as the young girl sprinted towards her.

Suddenly a huge ball of light flew past Sue and clashed into the young girl. The girl flew into the lake and began to scream because the girl couldn't swim.

Wilson glared into Sue's eyes, "I told you to stay away from the forest. You've awoken the spirit of the dead."

"I remember who she is now my mother read me stories about her. This girl she used to be a witch but she was on the run and fell into this lake and drounded."

"Correct, and you disturbed her sleep with your singing. Please leave this forest and never return."

"you're protecting the girl from harm."

"Correct, as you should know that witch is my little girl and I've warned all the pixies to never step into this forest but all of you never listen. Now please leave us be."

Wilson casts a sealing spell which sealed away the evil spirit for good and Sue never stepped into the forest again.

All she heard was the weeping of the child calling for her mother.

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