Benjamin's Baking Disaster.

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A Gale force wind howled through Pixie Valley knocking all the Pixies off their legs.

Benjamin a teenage Pixie was making his way to the grocery store to collect his ingredients for his bakery.
The wind blew him into a lamppost which knocked him flying into a huge pixie delivery bird that was in the middle of the road. The bird squarked as it flapped it feathery wings. Taking flight with a bag full of mail strapped over its head.

"Morning Peter, you be careful. I heard there's a storm approaching." Benjamin shouted.

Peter shouted back but Benjamin couldn't catch what it was and the wind blew Benjamin down Pixie Valley.
Benjamin blasted through the grocery store. Entering with a scene.

"Morning Gloria, I've arrived to claim my groceries for today."

"Oh, morning Benjamin. Yes I've got them right here." said Gloria as she reached for the paperbag of groceries.

"That's 10 Pixie coins please."

Benjamin handed over the Pixie coins and heads back out into the blizzard.

The wind swept Benjamin down the road. He hardly had the chance to say goodbye.

Soon, Benjamin made it to his bakery and starts to open up the store. He tied a plain white apron around his light green shirt and washed his hands ready to bake.
Benjamin lay out the ingredients and greased a tray with oil ready for the bread.

First Benjamin sift flour into a large bowl and stirs in salt, yeast and sugar.
Benjamin makes a well in the centre and gradually adds 300ml of warm water. He mixed the ingredients to form a dough. Benjamin sprinkled flour over the clean work surface and kneads the dough into the flour until its soft and smooth.

He divides the dough into eight equal pieces and places them onto the baking tray. Then puts them into the oven around 20mins.

Suddenly Gloria bursts through the door in a panic.

"Benjamin, I've arrived to pick up Queen Quineta's and King Kayden's cake."

"Yes, your orders ready. I'll just go and collect it from the back."

As Benjamin vanished around the corner. Naughty Nash crept in and turned up the temperature on the oven and hurried out the shop.

The door slammed startling Gloria but as she turned no one was there.

Benjamin arrived with the cake. The cake was a beautiful red castle with yellow flags with Queen Quineta and King Kayden waving on the balcony.
"Thank u Benjamin,"

Suddenly an out burst of flames engulfed the bakery.
Gloria sprinted towards the door while Benjamin was in the backroom calling the Pixie dragon burgade. When Benjamin finished on the phone. The fire had spreaded, trapping his way out.

Benjamin started to panic and tripped over a wire which caused the shelves to collapse on top of him.
Thick black soot filled the room as the temperature began to rise.

Soon the Pixie dragon burgades arrived swooping down as they blasted a pool of water from their throat,which extinguished the flames.

The Pixie dragons landed and the Pixie knights marched in to the bakery to help Benjamin. The knights removed all the heavy shelves and helped Benjamin to his feet and slowly made their way outside.

Benjamin shook the soot out of his dark black hair and stared through his light brown eyes at the bakery.

The bakery was a dreadful state. Everything had been burnt to ash.

Mr Constable strolled out of the bakery with a golden watch. He knew who it belonged to as it had the name printed on the strap.

Mr Constable grabbed Nash by the ear and drags him to his parents house to be scolded once again.

Nash's parents apolagised for Nash's behaviour and gave Benjamin 1000 Pixie coins to open another bakery.

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