Zain and the Zoo

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Zain the zoo keeper was at the zoo feeding the animals. There were monkeys swinging from their tails while eating fresh Pixie fruit.
Empire penguins cuddling up to keep warm and diving into a spring to feed on the fish.

Many animals from big and small were happy surviving within the zoo. The zoo was free from hunters, and no cages were involved. It was a large garden free from harm.

Zain strolled over towards the enormous Kraken that was Olivia's experiment. The Kraken swam around in circles frustrated. It's tentacles whipped the water which made huge waves.

Zain tried to calm the Kraken but the Kraken slammed against the glass which caused the water to gush out into the river.

The Kraken swam towards Captain Yasmine's ship and started to attack the boat. Captain Yasmine began to panic as a giant octopus glared at her.

Yasmine began to panic she accidentally shot her pistol which pierced into the Kraken's skull.

The Kraken bellowed as it wrapped its tentacles around the ship. It dragged the boat under the water and Yasmine was trapped.

Yasmine slammed her hands against the sealed door. The door wouldn't budge and she couldn't hold her breath for long.

The Kraken was out of control, it started to squash the boat which made planks give way and trapped Yasmine under water.

Yasmine was in trouble and all the pixies were gathering to bring the Kraken down. They threw javelins, stones and even Mr Constable shot his pistol to bring the Kraken down.

Even Ryder was there in his scoober diving outfit. He dived under the river and swam to help Yasmine.
He noticed Yasmine unconscious. He pulled and pulled but the door still wouldn't budge.

Meanwhile the Kraken got frustrated and swiped the crowd of Pixies. Suddenly lots of witches and wizards swooped out of the sky on their broomsticks.

Even Wilson and his wife was there protecting the valley.

The Witches and wizards used their spells. The Kraken slowly began to get weaker.

Suddenly help has arrived and Mr Constable and even the Queen and King were shocked who arrived to help the Valley.

There on a Hover Pram was Julie and Ulrik. They threw a long rope to Ryder so Ryder tied it to the ship door.

Julie reved the engine and the rope tightened suddenly a loud creaking sound and a blast of air bubbles shot the door off its hinges.

Ryder swam inside the ship and rescued Captain Yasmine.

Once Ryder and Yasmine was out of the water. Wilson and his wife brought down a clap of thunder which shocked the Kraken. The Kraken let out a loud cry and then peacefully sank beneath the river.

Yasmine lay unconscious and was finding it hard to breathe. Carol and Xena worked together to bring the Pixie back to life.
Carol pumped her heart trying their best to get the blood flowing while Carol wrapped warm blankets to heat her body up.

All the pixies gathered around paciently waiting for any sign.

Suddenly Captain Yasmine coughed up water from her lungs and gasped for air.

Yasmine thanked Carol, Xena, Ryder, the Witches and Wizards and all the other Pixies.

But two pixies were missing and Mr Constable, Queen Quineta and King Kayden cursed their names.

Julie the Jewel thief and Ulrik had escaped once again before Mr Constable had the chance to throw Julie in Jail and Ulrik didn't want to go back being Royal as Ulrik loves his Mother.

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