Julie and the Sparkling Jewles

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Julie woke up by a sudden bellowing cry which was coming from her toddler Ulrik.

Ulrik always cried early in the morning for a bottle.

Julie fed Ulrik a bottle of Pixie juice and placed him into the hover pram and went for a walk around Pixie Valley.

Julie took Ulrik towards the zoo. Zain the zoo keeper showed Julie the entrance.

There was hundreds of Pixie animals fluttering, crawling or climbing freely in a huge park with no cages or any cruelty going on.

There was an old Pixie dragon with a long beard, Pixie colourful birds, lots of cheeky monkeys climbing up a Pixie tree to claim Pixie fruit and a large bear scratching it's back on a large boulder.

Ulrik was enjoying the zoo which made him laugh but suddenly a huge earthquake began to rumble.
Julie rushed outside with the hover pram to find a huge asteroid heading towards Pixie Valley.

The asteroid crashed into a mysterious cave just near the Pixie castle.
Julie hurried towards Pixie castle where Queen Quineta and King Kayden were arguing with the pixie knights as they couldn't reschedule where it landed.

The Queen was furious, "You find them or else you'll be beheaded."

The Pixie knights marched away with out a word.

Julie raced past Queen Quineta and King Kayden without being seen.

Julie knew where to find the asteroid as she's an expert. She raced on until she came across a cave where the asteroid had landed near by.

The asteroid had made a giant hole within the ground but as Julie got closer,she could see that it was a bunch of sparkling Jewels all glistening in the light.

Julie collected the Jewels and hid them under Ulriks blanket.
Before she was going to leave some more sparks, sparkled within the cave.

Julie pushed the pram inside the cave to find, sapphire, ruby, gold, silver and Amber crystals brightening up the cave.

Julie remembered her grandfather was a treasure hunter who theived treasure from other pixies. He became the famous Pixie known for a bounty for being a theif.

Julie took her chance and stole all the colourful crystals and raced out of the cave before anyone noticed.

Ulriks blanket was glowing brighter then ever.
The Queen and King were still out arguing about the jewels. Julie tried to sneak past but Queen Quineta noticed Ulriks blanket was getting brighter.

Suddenly the Queen yelled at the top of her voice, "Thief, Thief!"

"Finders keepers." Julie shouted back.

Julie hopped onto her hover pram and   Pixie dust sparkled around as she took flight into the clear blue skies.

"After her!" the Queen yelled.

the Pixie knights spreaded their wings and took flight chasing after the hover pram.

They sped around Pixie Valley swirving in and out of the houses, shops and even through traffic.

They even flew through the zoo where all the Pixie animals were. The animals got scared and charged around the huge garden,blocking the Pixie knights way.

Julie was long gone her hover pram sprayed a massive cloud of Pixie dust which fogged the air.
The Pixie knights lost sight of where she went.

Julie placed the diamonds and crystals out on display in her jewellery shop. Soon lots of customers were coming in buying the rear Jewels. Soon Julie and Ulrik were the richest pixies in Pixie Valley.

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