Xena and the Xerocytosis Disease

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At Pixie hospital, Carol and Xena had many sick patients coming in with a high fever.

The pixies were burning up and had to be treated fast. The risk of losing more pixies is high.

Xena hurried to the lab to work on the medical treatment. She worked very hard to make the medicine but every time something was missing. Something important.

Xena needed to think quick to find the solution but the stress of all the patients suffering is making Xena nervous.

She wouldn't want to harm anyone with the new treatment. That's why it's very important to get every ingredient correct.

Xena had sweat dripping off her forehead.

"How's the experiment?" Carol asked.

"Not great, we need someone who brainy with experiments like this."

Carol and Xena thought and then something clicked Carol's mind.


"We're not asking the mad scientist. She'll cause a disaster."

"We haven't got time to lose. Xena please go and fetch Olivia. Quickly!"

Xena rushed into the garage and hoped onto her pixie tiger and sped off towards the Pixie Rocket.

"Olivia!" Xena yelled as she entered the rocket.

Olivia was working on her own experiment which was more bizarre. Olivia was feeding a bacteria that was lime green and very slimy.

The slime wriggled like jelly.

"Eww what is that," Xena screeched.

"My new experment, this bacteria fights off all infections in your body. Just add it to some water and drink it. Soon the bacteria will fight off the infection."

"That's great news!" Xena said as she danced around the rocket.

"What's up?"

"Oh all the pixies at the hospital has a fever and this experiment would come in handy. Please we need your help!"

A big smile shot across Olivia's face.

"Of course!"

The two hurried back on the pixie tiger and met Carol.

Xena and Olivia explained everything. Xena, Olivia and Carol helped the patients by handing them the drink with Olivia's bacteria in it.

Soon the Pixies fever cooled down and soon everything was back to normal.

Thanks to Olivia everyone in Pixie Valley were safe.

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