Ulrik and the Unakite Gemstone

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Meanwhile at Pixie Castle. Ulrik was playing up for Queen Quineta and King Kayden. They had restless sleeps as Ulrik just kept on crying through the night. The young Pixie missed his mother Julie the jewel thief.

Ulrik has grown through the months and is now 1 years old. He learnt about how to rule Pixie Valley and he also called on servants to do his chores.
The servants would bring him dinner, clean his room, read him stories and also measured his clothing to fit.

Ulrik walked into his bedroom, sat on his bed and stared at a picture of him in his hover pram with Queen Quineta and King Kayden.

Queen Quineta has abandoned pictures of Julie from Ulrik's processions, but Ulrik remember's his mother Julie. How he enjoyed travelling around the valley stealing gems in his hover pram and having warm cuddles close to her heart.

Ulrik strolled down the hallway and heard the king and Queen discussing about Julie.

"Julie is bad news for the young boy. She needs to be locked up for good. Why is she being released?" the Queen ordered.

The King couldn't take anymore of Queen Quineta's arguments that he marched towards the door.

Ulrik hid around the corner and waited until they both were out of sight.

He crept towards the Queen and Kings bedroom and glanced in to find everything painted red, the curtains, rug and even the bedsheets were all red.
I think the Queen's mad on the colour red.

Ulrik glanced around to find no pictures of him in the room just a giant portrait of the Queen and King smiling above the bed.

Ulrik was unhappy being royal. He wasn't allowed to leave the castle and couldn't touch any gems in sight. If he did the Queen or King would scould him.

Ulrik was about to leave when a bright glim shone towards him. There on the Queen's desk was a Unakite gemstone waiting to be picked up.

Ulrik strolled over and reached out for the green gemstone but then stopped. The Queen and King were on there way back.

"Ulrik! Ulrik!" they both yelled.

Ulrik's mind clicked and stole the gem. He exits through the window and shimmied across the window ledge.

The Queen yelled at the top of her voice, "My precious Unakite!"

Ulrik slid down the drain pipe and sprinted towards the horse shed where he found his Hover pram.

"Alright Mother I'm coming to find you to reunite our family."

Ulrik gripped onto the handle bars but nothing happened, "How does my mother get this thing to work?" Ulrik thought as he rummaged around looking for a switch.

Suddenly the King and Queen was on to him. Thousands of Pixie Knights were standing in front of him with there weapons raised.

"Ulrik dear, hand over the gemstone before mother gets angry."

"You're not my mother! You will never be my parents as I know my mother she a jewel thief. I remember clear as day what my mother looks like."

"Ulrik,we had to protect you as stealing is very bad. We are your new parents now and we're here to show you what is right." said King Kayden.

Suddenly the hover pram came to life. Pixie dust danced around. All of a sudden a blast of dust puffed out of the engine and Ulrik took flight.
The young child had never steered the hover pram before he usually in the pram asleep.

The pram was out of control it nearly took the Queen's and King's head off as it swooped down from the sky.

Soon Ulrik managed to control the pram and he flew off heading towards the Police Department.

Julie was in her cell waiting for Mr Constable to unlock the door. Julie has missed her little baby boy.
Suddenly sirens blared as a hover pram swooped in.

Julie glanced to find a one year old boy waving at her.

"Hi mum, I missed you."


Ulrik attached a rope to the bars and reved the engine. The prison wall crumbled and Julie was free.

Julie lept onto the hover pram and they both whizzed off through Pixie Valley on the run.

"Guess what mother!"

Ulrik pulls out the Precious Unakite Gemstone.

Julie smiled, "I've taught you well my Prince."

They both burst out laughing as they sped off escaping with the gem becoming the richest pixies.

Mr Constable, Queen Quineta and King Kayden had no clue where Julie and Ulrik had escaped. Julie and Ulrik were very far from home still on the run.

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