Ryder to the Rescue

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Ryder was at the rescue centre talking to Mr Constable, Carol and Xena on the Pixie monitor.

Carol and Xena were out of medicine and were waiting for Peter to deliver loads of parcels full of meds. As the Pixie hospital had hundreds of sick pixies.
Mr Constable said that the dragon burgades were becoming sick. Even the Pixie dragons, Pixie birds and the animals in the zoo.

This was a job for Ryder to help all the sick animals within Pixie Valley.

"Don't worry, I'll have the job done in a flash." Ryder said as he flew out of the rescue centre through the exit within the roof.

Ryder glanced around to find Pixie Valley coming down with a flu.

Purple clouds hovered over Pixie Valley releasing thick purple gas that infects everything.

Even the pollen within the plants had traces of thick gas which started to spread like wild fire.

Soon every Pixie and animal were infected with the disease except Ryder as Ryder has a protective suit and helmet which stops all bad infections from getting within his system.

Ryder flew towards the post office where he found Peter and the delivery bird. Hunched up in a corner all drained out.

"Where's the medicine Peter!"

Peter pointed to the storage room where it was full to the brim.

"Ryder, first you need to get rid of the disease before taking those parcels."


Maybe Olivia would know she's the Crazy scientist."

"Thanks Peter!"

Ryder took flight and raced towards the Pixie rocket where Olivia was doing some research.

"Olivia we need your help."

"Oh hahaha, I'm already working it out and the only way to get rid of the disease is this experiment but I'm missing a kind of fruit an Aprolime. But it doesn't grow around here it's only on a planet that's scorching hot."

"What you waiting for blast your way up there!"

"If I flick these jets on the flames will ignite the whole of Pixie Valley. This disease flares up when mixed with flames. We need to be careful."

"What's the planet look like."

It's full of lava and it only grows inside a volcano."

Ryder gasped," Your joking right?"

The mad scientist just laughed as Ryder took flight towards the scorching planet.

The planet was scorching hot. Hot scorching lava boiled as Ryder flew around searching for the volcano.

Suddenly he spotted the volcano and flew inside there hidden away was a huge orange fruit growing within the rocks of the volcano.

Ryder gripped the fruit and pulled. The fruit was retrieved but then suddenly the whole volcano began to rumble.

Ryder flew up as an out burst of lava sprayed out. Ryder sped across the lava which boiled and sprayed.

Ryder held onto the fruit tight as he dodged the hot flames.
And escaped the planet.

Ryder arrived back at the Pixie rocket where he met Olivia.

Olivia added the ingredient into the thick liquid and the liquid began to bubble frantically.

Olivia and Ryder stood outside and watched as the liquid evaporated the disease. Soon the thick clouds vanished and the animals, Pixie dragons and birds were healed.

Ryder delivered the medicine to the Pixie hospital so every Pixie could get cured. Soon Pixie Valley was cured from a horrible disease and the pixies wished for it to never return.

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