Wilson and the Witch.

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Wilson was in his tower mumbling to himself while mixing potions into his couldren.
Suddenly the lights started to flicker and a voice whispered silently.

"Mummy! Where are you mummy."

Wilson tried to ignore the voice but it got louder and louder. Until a figure of a spirit appeared.

"Every time I seal you. You always find away to break that spell."

The spirit hovered around the room while weeping bucketful of tears.

Wilson also wept, why, because that spirit is his daughter who sadly past away.

"where's Mommy?"

"Gone! She left."

"No you lie!"

"My little witch, when you were alive and mother was here with us. Something terrible happened. You lost control of your powers and attacked Queen Quineta and King Kayden.
The Pixie knights chased after you but you fell into the lake and drowned.
Im sorry for letting you down. I know I haven't been there for you. Its just I have to keep you safe by sealing you away in the lake. So you won't be harmed again."

The little girl stared at Wilson with hatred in her eyes. "Seal me away!"
No! I just want my mother!"

The little girl sprinted towards Wilson but Wilson was ready and shot out electricity from his finger tips. The little girl blasted through the window out into the forest.

Wilson sprinted outside but all he heard was a sweet musical voice echoing around the forest.

"Hold me, love me.
Hold me close to your heart.
Free me, save me.
As I can't breathe anymore.

The words were so slow and creepy that Wilson wanted this nightmare to be over.

Wilson followed the voice but then bumped into a Pixie.

" Why you here? Leave this forest. Your not welcome."

"Wilson! I found you at last, We've been searching a whole year but there was no trace."

The Queen clicked her fingers and Pixie knights surrounded the pixie Wizard.
"I'm taking you to the castle to be beheaded. All witches and wizards should be banished from Pixie Valley."

"I'm sorry for what my daughter did but please let it go. I'm no harm."

Suddenly Queen Quineta and King Kayden heard a song within the breeze.

Heal me, loosen me.
Let us be free.
Threaten me, kill me
I'll Bring you to your knees

"Your tricks don't harm us wizard!" the Queen yelled as she sent her Pixie knights to chain his hands together.

Suddenly the air became chilly and a blast of ice danced around the Pixie knights turning them into a sheet of ice.

The Queen gasped, "Erika!"

There by Wilson's side was his daughter.

"Please, this forest is cursed. You need to leave." Wilson begged.

But the Queen didn't listen and threatened them both to be beheaded. The little girl just laughed as she skipped towards the Queen.

As the girl skipped, tiny snowflakes floated towards the ground. The Queen and King couldn't move a muscle there was no army to protect them.

The girl reached out to touch the Queen's face but the King drew his blade. But before the King swung the sword. Wilson casted a fire spell which circled around them.

The girl screeched as she hurried through the forest. The ring of fire collapses but Wilson and his daughter were already gone.
But the Queen and King didn't give up they chased after them deeper into the forest.

Near the lake, the young girl wept as Wilson approached her carefully.

Hold me, love me.
Hold me close to your heart.
Free me, save me
As I can't breathe any more.

Heal me, loosen me
Let us be free.
Threaten me, kill me
I'll bring you to your knees.

"My gorgeous Erika, please control your anger. This is what caused our race to be found in the first place."

"I can't it hurts." the young girl knelt on the floor gripping her heart.

Footsteps approached her, the spirit sharply turned and blasted ice from her palm. There stood the King frozen as a statue with his sword raised.

The Queen gasped, she sprinted towards the girl with a sword in her hand when a fireball erupted in front of them.

There on a broomstick was a young beautiful witch.
"Quineta! I've warned you to leave the Witches and wizards alone now leave before any more harm is made."

Out from behind the trees, loads of witches and wizards surrounded the Queen.

"We apologise for what our daughter caused and she'll be punished but I beg you to never step into our forest ever again or else there be consequences, I'm sorry my Erika." the mother wept.

The mother blasted her child into the lake and yelled towards Wilson to seal her in.

Wilson cast the spell and sealed their daughter for another year. To rest until she's learnt her lesson.

Suddenly King Kayden was relieved to be back to normal. So the Queen and King agreed to never step foot into the wizards and witches forest again.

Wilson thanked his wife for helping out and the forest was renamed the Spiritual forest.

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