Naughty Nash

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One stary night in Pixie Valley, everyone was fast asleep except for one Pixie, who's very mischievous. Nash sneaked out one night to play tricks on the pixies in the valley.

Nash hurried down the wavy path and hid behind Julie's window which was slightly open.
So, Nash wriggled his finger tips casting Pixie dust over Ulrik's blanket.

The blanket floated within the air and Ulrik bellowed the house down as he wanted his blanket back.

Julie turned sharply but the blanket was wrapped around Ulrik's waist.

"What's the matter?" Julie asked. "You've already had your bottle it's bed time!"

Next Nash spotted DJ's house. The naughty Pixie spotted DJ snoring out loud. It sounded like an earthquake. Nash used his Pixie dust once again. DJ always loved his music.

Nash turned DJ's player on and turned the volume up to max. A blast of music echoed around the room making DJ fall out of bed.

Nash also frightened Alice by putting hairy spiders under her duvet covers.
They crawled all over her body and she screamed at the top of her voice and hurried outside but no one was there.

Alice checked her pj's as she still felt like there were spiders crawling all over her.

The whole valley was furious and Mr Constable came wondering up the path to find out what all the racket was about.

Suddenly, every Pixie guessed who the culprit was and came up with a plan.

They spotted Nash sleeping in his bed fast asleep dreaming about the pranks he had made but he had left the front door open. DJ placed his equipment next to Nash's ear, Alice placed ants, spiders and cockroaches under the bed sheets, Julie got some sticky treacle and hung it above Nash's head and Mr Constable had some feathers and hung them by the door.

Everyone crept back outside and watched the action take place. DJ launched his music that startled Nash, which made him bang his head knocking the treacle all over himself.

He then started to dance but not to the music it was because Nash had ants in his pants. He hurried towards the door because he heard a crowd of Pixies laughing, but when he opened the door the feathers floated onto him and stuck onto the treacle.

Nash was so embarrassed because everyone just stared at him pointing and laughing saying that he's a white duckling.

This made Nash angry and he aimed for Alice shoving her to the ground. Alice fell into a muddy puddle and her beautiful pj's were ruined.

Ivy and DJ stood in front of Alice, "You leave our friend alone. You hear me!" DJ and Ivy ordered.

Nash just glared as Mr Constable separated the pixies back to their homes.

The next day Alice was on her way to get some groceries when she bumped into Nash. Nash tackled Alice to the ground and yelled at her while pulling her hair.

"Nash!" Gloria yelled from within the shop.
Gloria sprinted out while calling Mr Constable on her Pixie Cell phone.

Alice tried to get away but Nash was so evil he threw a rock which cracked Alice against her skull.

Alice dropped to the floor but Nash was caught by Mr Constable and sent to the police department to be questioned.

Alice recovered at the hospital and soon was back on her feet with her friends Ivy and DJ by her side.

But Nash was still at the police department learning how to respect other pixies. Nash's parents was furious with Nash and couldn't believe what they have brought up in life.

Nash had to stay at the police department until he learnt to respect his friends and family.

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